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 EZRA COULDN'T TELL if the male in front of him just sucked at whispering or if Ezra's keen hearing was kicking in

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EZRA COULDN'T TELL if the male in front of him just sucked at whispering or if Ezra's keen hearing was kicking in. But the vampire couldn't help but listen in to the conversation the brunette was having with the redhead. Who sat in the seat next to the hyperactive male.

"Hey, Lydia," ah so that was the redhead's name, Ezra noted as he mindlessly wrote down whatever the teacher wrote on the board.

"What is that? Is that from the accident?" the brown-haired male leaned out of his chair and closer to Lydia. He pointed a finger down at the girl's ankle, which had a large bandage wrapped around it.

"What accident?" Ezra couldn't help but ask as he leaned forward as well. Curiosity twinkled in his brown eyes as he pouted slightly.

"Hello, and you are?" the redhead grinned as she looked the boy up and down. Ignoring her friend's question at the sight of the new boy, who was practically eye candy.

"My name is Ezra Seong, I'm new here if you couldn't tell," the boy replied with a grin as he winked playfully at the pretty female.

"Well Ezra, aren't you just pretty?" she smiled mischievously as Ezra heard the male in front of him groan, "let's be best friends."

"Okay, what's your name?" Ezra asked as he smiled kindly at his new 'best friend'.

"Lydia, Lydia Martin," she smirked as she held her hand out. Which Ezra took in his own and they shook hands. The girl wincing at the freezing hand of the pale new boy, but she quickly recovered.

"Alright," the male in front of him groaned as he swatted their hands apart, "you weren't even part of this conversation."

"Well, I couldn't help but overhear you and I'm curious," Ezra winked as he took in the male's features and committed them to memory. He wanted to reach out and trace all the moles covering the boy's pretty face.

"Too bad, this conversation is between us," the male frowned as he used his hand to gesture between himself and Lydia.

"Stiles, relax," Lydia rolled her eyes as she made eye contact with Ezra before looking back at Stiles, "Prada bit me."

"Prada?" Ezra asked as he tried to imagine the animal in his head. Though he was slightly distracted at the odd name of the male sitting in front of him.

"Your dog?" Stiles asked as he furrowed his eyebrows, completely ignoring Ezra.

"No, my designer handbag," Lydia spoke with sarcasm as she rolled her eyes again. Silence covered the three of them for a second before Lydia spoke again, "yes, my dog."

"Is it cute?" Ezra asked as he leaned forward again.

"Yes, he's tiny and fluffy," Lydia smiled kindly at the pale male as she answered Ezra's question.

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