Just One Goal

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I floated on cloud nine as I walked into the locker room. I was the first one in there. When I got to my locker, I sat for just a minute reliving the kiss before a couple of the guys came in. I started to get my pads on when Steve walked in.

"So, how'd it go?" I looked up to see Steve's smug face.

"It was nice. She took me to this coffee shop; we went for pizza and then..." I stopped. I really didn't want to give away her secret spot.

"And then what?"

"She brought me here. She's nice. I got to know her a little."

"Is she coming tonight?"

"Yea, she's going to be in Barton's box with his wife."

"Think she'll come down after? Wouldn't mind seeing her to apologize for being so grumpy this morning."

"I can ask." I whipped out my phone.

Bucky: Hey doll. Miss you already.

Emma: I am literally upstairs, and I just saw you 20 minutes.

Bucky: Still miss you.

Emma: Awww. I miss you too.

Bucky: Steve wanted to know if you would come down after the game. He wants to apologize for his sorry attitude this morning.

Emma: I don't know if I can... 

I can tell she is hesitating.

Bucky: tell you what? I score a goal, you come down. I don't and I'll bring you coffee and a happy Steve in the morning.

Emma: You're on Barnes. Good luck against Boston! xoxo

Bucky: No worries doll. Faced them before and I'll do it again. See you after xx

"Had to make a deal with her," I tell Steve. "Now I have to score a goal."

"If you don't?"

"Then I have to bring her coffee in the morning and a happy you."

"Well, here's to you. Let's get out there."

We finished getting ready to go, get through the last team meeting and then warmups. Ducks' tradition states that the new guys do a lap alone on the ice, so Steve and I knocked over the warmup pucks and did our lap. The fans already on the glass were energetic and loud. It got me pumped. Then I heard the booing and saw Boston start to hit the ice. I ignored it and just focused on the warmup. I looked up to the boxes and saw Emma in a Ducks jersey. I waved and she waved back. I grinned and focused back.


I saw Bucky and waved to him on the ice. I also saw Steve and gave him a wave as well. I guess Ryan noticed and gave me a shocked, 'I can't believe you won't wave at me' look and I rolled my eyes. I gave him a double wave making him laugh. I sat in my seat but still felt like I was being watched. I knew I shouldn't have but I couldn't help it. I looked to the Boston side, I saw him staring and my smile just fell. Alex. He looked pissed.

I looked at Nat. "I think I need to get a drink." I told her.

"Are you ok, sweetie?" She looked over to where I was looking before. "Oh, sweetie, why did you look?"

"I felt someone staring. I couldn't help it."

"You need to focus on something else."

"Yeah, I know." I looked back at the Ducks side of the ice and saw Bucky looking up at me again. He stuck his tongue out at me, making me giggle. I stuck mine right back at him making him laugh and nudge Steve so he could see.

"When I said focus on something else, you took me literally, I see," Nat said.

"I set them up yesterday when they got in. That's James Barnes #90 and that's Steve Rogers #75."

"Well, they are easy on the eyes."

"Yes, they are. I mean, they are also nice," trying and failing to cover myself.

Ok, spill. Which one?"

"Barnes. His nickname is Bucky. We had coffee and lunch today. He's sweet. Totally different." I didn't mention the kiss.

"Wow, you are falling and hard."

I ignored her comment. "He wants me to come down after the game."

"I don't think that's a good idea. What if you run into him?"

"I know, Nat. When he realized I hesitated he said I only had to come down if he scored a goal. I haven't told him about Alex because I wanted him to focus on the game. But I will after."

"That was sweet of him. I'll walk with you so you don't have to go alone, ok?"

"Thanks, Nat."

The game started and it was a defense game from the start. Bucky was amazing, defending like I hadn't seen since my Uncle Rob. The whole team seems to be in better sync. Right before the end of the period, Ryan set up Rickard and he scored a sweet top shelf goal. I knew that was going to piss Alex off but I didn't care.

The second period started and it was more of the same. It looks like I was right about Alex being pissed. He checked Jakob really hard into the boards. Thankfully, he got the roughing penalty but it looked like Steve and Bucky were pissed. I really hoped they wouldn't have a go when Alex got out of the box.

The third was more of the same. But when Ondrej Kase had a breakaway, Gibson couldn't stop it and it was tied. I knew Ondrej when he was a Duck as well and was happy for him but it was definitely bittersweet. The game was down to the last five minutes. I was nervous because I really wanted Bucky to score in his debut. Suddenly, it looked like Bucky was about to break away for a 2 on 1 advantage with Troy when he was tripped from behind by Alex. Of course, this would be my luck. The refs awarded a penalty shot to Bucky. He got some advice from Coach Fury and quickly looked up like he was looking at the score board. But then he found me and smiled.

He took his spot for the shot. Rask was waiting at the goal. Bucky moved forward and triple deked him for a goal right between the legs. The whole arena was cheering for him and the ref handed over the puck for his first goal as a Duck. The game finished up and he was named the top star of the game.

I started to make my way down to the locker areas with Nat. I was trying to stall as much as I could to avoid seeing anyone from the other team. It's never that easy.

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