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*~* Bucky *~*

Thanksgiving was great.  Spending that time with Emma was amazing.  She can really cook and bake.  I fall more in love with her every day. But I can tell something is bothering her.  As we made our way through December, she becomes more and more nervous.

As I'm shopping with Steve for presents to send home, I bring up Emma's behavior to him. "Steve, do you think Emma's getting ready to break up with me?"

This literally stops him in mid-sip of his coffee. "What? Whatdaya mean?"

"She's always nervous around me now.  Like she's ready to bolt.  I don't know man.  Ever since that road trip, it's been different.  Not like huge different but just subtle different."

"She doesn't seem different to me, punk.  Maybe she's excited about the gift she got you."

"Maybe.  I just don't want to lose her."

"You won't."  Steve stops to think.  "Maybe you should make the first move."


"Maybe you should just tell her that you love her.  Maybe she's scared that you don't feel the same way that she feels for you."

Huh.  That has not actually occurred to me.  I was so focused on going at her pace that maybe she was just scared of going to fast. "So what should I do?"

"Well, she's staying with us Christmas Eve right?"

"Ya, so she can take us to her dad's in the morning and then to the airport for the roadie to St. Louis."

"So tell her at midnight.  With like a gift or something." Steve smiles. "A little romance never hurt nobody Buck."

"Maybe a promise ring?  Like with her birthstone in it?"

"That sounds perfect! We could call Wanda and get her ring size."

"For her right hand.  I'm saving the other for something bigger," I say with a smile.

*~* Emma *~*

Bucky and I do all the clique things for Christmas.  Except getting to go to the snow, because of course, we haven't had enough rain for snow yet.  It's been great. Alex hated all this stuff. But the more time I'm with Bucky, the more I'm falling.  And I get nervous.  I'm so scared I'll just blurt it out. I'm sitting in my office a few days before Christmas when Ryan walks in.

"Hey Ry."

"Hey Em. Whatcha working on?"

"Next road trip in January.  It's the last one before the All-Star break."

"Yeah, where?"

I look at my calendar.  "Florida, Carolina and Detroit."

"Sweet.  So how are things?"

I look up and see Ryan with a big smile.  "Ok Getz, out with it."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."


"Am not."

"Are so.  Ryan, I don't have time for this.  Spit it out or get out."

"Wow, so grumpy."

"I have a lot on my mind and work."

"Emma are you ok?" Ryan is now looking concerned.

I get up and close my door.  I turned to Ryan.  "I'm in love Ryan and I haven't done anything about it."

"Still Emma?  I thought you were going to think about it during the road trip."

"And I did.  And then we facetimed and I told him that I wanted more but we got cut off and now its just out there and I keep thinking I'm going to just scream it out every time we're together.  And now, I'm spending the night at his place on Christmas eve and I just..."

"EMMA! You're rambling.  Again."

I stop and look at Ryan. "Sorry."

"Its ok.  But you need to tell him.  You won't stop feeling this way until you do."

"Ugh. I know. I know. But what if..."

"I'm leaving now." Ryan said as he got up.

"I'm sorry. Don't leave.  What were you keeping from me before? "

"Oh, we got the finalist list for All Stars."

"Yeah, who's on it?"

"Rakell, Henrique, Rogers, Barnes and me."

"What?! Ry, congratulations!  When did you guys find out?"

"Just a few minutes ago."

I swatted his arm.  "You let me ramble when you had news, jerk.  I'm so proud of you!" I give him a big hug.  "I better get down there to celebrate huh?"

"Yea, I was sent up because Barnes was still doing media."

We head down to the locker area where the press is still everywhere.  I know I have to be careful with how I interact with everyone.  So I start with Adam.  "Hey Rico! Congratulations!" 

He hugs me.  "First time Emma! I am so pumped!" 

I say congrats to Rick who is on the phone to home and the same with Steve.  I head over to Bucky.  "Congratulations, superstar," I whisper in his ear.  He turns around with a big smile.  "Thanks doll. I'm actually nervous.  Never been an All Star."

"I knew you would be.  You've been playing amazing."

"All because of you."  He looks around to make sure no one was watching and gives me a kiss.  What we didn't notice was the one camera who turned around at the right time.

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