Round Two - Vegas

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*~* Emma *~*

We got to spend a blessed two extra days at home after our series with St. Louis while we waited to see who we would face next.  In that time, we closed on the house and had finished ordering all of the furniture that we needed.  I met with the decorators (at Bucky's insistence) and planned out everything.  Our home was going to be perfect.  I was excited to move in but we decided we wouldn't do that until the playoffs were over.

Finally, after going all seven games, we knew that Vegas would be the next opponents in our quest for a second Stanley Cup.  I was excited to see the guys from Vegas, especially Fleury, but I also knew that I would have to see Shea as well.  Bucky finally admitted that he saw what happened with Shea and I. He wasn't mad at me per se but madder that I had more admirers. I rolled my eyes at the implications.

"Bucky, you know I'm yours right?"

"I know doll, I just want everyone to respect that."

"And they do, love, you're just jealous."

"I am not jealous.  I have the girl."

I rolled my eyes and we continued walking to the locker room.  Tonight, was the first game of the second round and I was excited.  Vegas is a great team during the regular season, but they could be lethal during the playoffs.  However, they were tired from having to go the distance with San Jose.

The game was not as easy as we had hoped but they won after two rounds of overtime.  To say that I was cranky at the end of it was an understatement.  I went to wait for the boys by the locker room.  Of course, something as simple as waiting for the team to let me in would not be as simple.

"Hey Shorty!"

I turned to see Marc with Shea and to my surprise Ryan Reaves. "Hello enemies. How can I help you?"

Marc laughed and gave me a kiss on my head.  "We just wanted to catch up with you," he said.

"Really?  Wouldn't have to do with the fact that I got in trouble because of this one?" I pointed to Shea.

He had the decency to look embarrassed about it.  "Look, Emma, I'm sorry."

"I know you are Teddy." I sighed.  "And why is Reaves here?"

"Oh, I wanted to see if Barnes would try to knock out Shea."

"You're an asshole."

"Hey, your boyfriend checked me hard today.  Plus, I don't think we ever formally met, Niedermeyer."

"This is true Reaves.  But since you're with the enemy I guess that will have to wait," I said with a laugh.

At that moment, Steve poked his head out of the room.  "Hey Em, we're decent in here."  He looked at the three Knights around me.  "Problem fellas?"

"No," Marc said.  "Shea wanted to apologize to Emma and Reaves just wanted to meet her."

Now I know Steve is protective of me but the look on his face told me that not only was he protective but also easily prone to action.  I quickly made my way to his side.  "Steve, its ok.  They were very respectful."  I turned to the Knights.  "It was great seeing you guys."  I pulled Steve with me back into the locker room.

"Steve, please, don't say anything to Bucky." I whispered.


"Because he will lose his mind and he needs to focus on the game right now."

"Emma, I don't lie to Bucky.  I'm always honest."

"If he yells, I'm taking over your bed Rogers."

I made it over to Bucky.  "Hey superstar.  Ready to go home?"

"Yea, doll.  Tonight was rough." 

"I know.  I'm sorry. Umm..." I look up and Steve giving me an eye. "I ran into Shea and Marc outside."

Bucky's head snapped up.  "What?"

"Yeah, Shea wanted to apologize.  Marc said he was there to make sure everything stayed respectful.  Oh and Ryan Reaves was there but I have no idea why."

Bucky sighed. "Why does every guy want what's mine?" He muttered under his breath.

"Whoa," I said. "You need to relax James." I looked at Steve to make a point.  "I get that Shea crossed a line but you don't need to be so possessive."

"Emma, are you so naïve that you can't see that other guys want to take you away from me?"  Bucky raises his voice slightly.  "C'mon, doll. Reaves just wanted to say hi.  Right. Ok."

I started to lose my temper.  "Oh so you can't trust me to know what I'm doing?"

"I didn't say that Emma!"

"You implied it James!"

"Guys!" Ryan stepped in.  I noticed that the locker room got quiet.  I looked around and all of the guys were staring at us.

I flushed with embarrassment.  "I'm sorry Cap." I walked backwards away from Bucky.  "I'll wait outside."  I left the locker room.  Bruce was still waiting for me and could see I was upset.

"Everything ok Miss Niedermeyer?"

"I'm fine Bruce.  Umm do you think you could drive me home?  I don't feel like waiting."


We walked towards the parking lot and I sent a text to Ryan and Steve.

Emma: Bruce is taking me home.

Ryan: Are you ok?

Emma: I'm fine.  I just want to be alone.

Steve: Emma, what about Bucky?

Emma:  Tell him or don't tell him. I don't care.

Ryan: You don't mean that Em

Steve: He's just worried about you.

Emma: He can talk to me when he's got his jealousy in check.

I made it to my apartment but had to pass by Bucky's.  I looked at his door and sighed.  I walked into mine and locked it.  Made it to my room without seeing Wanda.  I finally collapsed in my bed and let the tears flow out.

*~* Bucky *~*

As soon as Emma left the locker room, I threw my jersey into the locker.  "Dammit!"

Steve put his hand on my shoulder.  "Calm down Buck."

"Calm down?  Did you not see what just happened?"

"Yes, you and Emma called each other out on bullshit."  Steve gave me a look.  "I saw her with them.  She wasn't touching them or flirting.  She was just talking.  She even told Reaves that they wouldn't officially meet until after the round.  Bucky, you need to relax."

I took a couple of breaths and tried to cool off.  I heard Steve's phone go off and saw him frown.  He typed a message and looked up at Ryan.  "What is it?" I asked.

"Emma left.  Bruce is taking her home.  She said she wants to be alone."

I groaned.  I knew I had messed up.  Ryan came over and could see that I was already in pain.  "Barnes, what the hell was that?"

"That was me being an idiot, Cap."

"Yeah, I could see that.  What is your problem?"

"Theodore was my problem.  He made a move on Emma and I let my jealousy show." I sat in my chair and put my head in my hands.  "Dammit."

"It's not the end of the world.  Just talk to her."

"Yeah, yeah. I know.  How many times can I fuck this up before she stops forgiving me?"

"You got at least two more," Ryan says.

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