Playoff Push

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*~* Emma *~*

The last month of the season is difficult for any team. Some teams are just playing to finish out the season looking to see what players to keep and what they needed to improve on for next year. Some teams were fighting for the final playoff spots. And teams like the Ducks were fighting for home advantage. Bucky had been focused on helping the team but making sure that I was safe as well. I tried to make it easier by staying in the seats for practice or leaving earlier so he could take me home. Ever since Vegas he made sure to communicate everything. He had a lightness about him like a weight was taken off of him. It was weird considering how Ryan and Steve were stressed about the playoffs.

Otherwise, I really had nothing to do until I knew who our first opponent would be and if we would be traveling first or second. We figured our first stop would be St. Louis but it's just a matter of playing and winning. Our final five games were high stress with the last two games in Vancouver and Minnesota and the rest in Anaheim and Los Angeles.

The first game we had was in Los Angeles. The Kings were really understanding about the security measures for me. I had talked to the captain Andre Kopitar with Ryan, Steve, and Bucky explaining about Alex. Andre had been really understanding about it since he had known Alex since they played together in the AHL.

I was sitting in the WAGs box with Paige and Bruce when I got the alert.  Vegas was playing in New York and they had just lost.  I showed Paige. "If we win tonight, we have first place," I told her.

"You think they have a chance?"

"Yea, actually I do.  The Kings have been sluggish for the last few games."

"Do you want to tell them?"

"No, because they will lose focus.  Coach already banned media in there for the rest of the season so they won't know the scores until after the game."

"That's smart," Paige said. She smiled.  "Ry hates it."

"So does Bucky and Steve but Coach is right.  They need to focus."

We watch the game and I was right, the Kings were losing focus at the end of the season run. The game ended 4-0 with goals from Rickard, Adam, Cam and Steve. I left Paige with the WAGs and I went to the locker room. Barton was waiting to go in too.  "Hey Clint."

"Hey Shorty! Whatcha doin down here?"

"Wanted to talk with my boys.  Especially since we are now in first place." I laughed.

"Yeah I was going to tell them but maybe it's better that it comes from you.  You could act all sad and stuff.  Mess with them a bit."

"That sounds like fun." I giggled. Clint laughed and knocked on the door. "Are we decent in there?  I have a lady who needs to speak to you guys!"

Adam stuck his head out and saw me looking a little sad.  "Yeah, come on in."

I walked in kinda slow and just sighed.  "Hey guys." The room got quiet.

Bucky came up to me, half dressed, "Doll? Are you ok?"

"I guess," I said with a sigh.  "I just got the scores from the league."

"Yeah, what happened?" Ryan looked over, seeing my face.  "Are we screwed?"

"Kinda," I replied.  I saw Steve and waved him over.  "Stevie, have you ever been with a first-place team?"

"No, Em, I haven't."

"Ok, well I guess you should change that answer now." Everyone looked up at me.  I smiled.  "Vegas lost in regulation.  Guys, we own the division!"

The guys started cheering and Bucky picked me up to swing me around.  "Doll, that was mean.  I though something was wrong." He put me down and gave me a kiss.

"Payback is a bitch, Barnes.  Besides, this was not my idea, it was Barton's."

"Hey! You went along with it," he said with a laugh.  "Great job guys!  We have four games left and if we win two, we have the division! Rest up! Bus leaves in an hour."

*~* Bucky *~*

One week.

That's all we have left in the regular season.  We dropped the game in Minnesota and tied up the second to last game in Los Angeles, so we don't have the division locked yet.  Tonight, we are in Vancouver and hoping it won't come down to the home closer against Los Angeles.  Emma is not with us tonight since she had to prep for the LA game. We got in the night before and I facetime her.

"Hey Doll!"

Hey superstar! How's Canada?

"Boring.  I miss you."

She giggles.  Sweetie, I literally saw you three hours ago.

"I know.  Still miss you."

She rolls her eyes.  Where's Steve?

"Hanging out with Fowler.  Apparently, I'm moody right now."

Aww, superstar. Why don't you go out with the guys for dinner and then walk the town?  Its still early and Vancouver is beautiful.  Especially this time of year.  I'm bummed I couldn't go.

"I know baby doll. I'll take your advice.  But come summer, we are traveling."

Deal babe.  I'm having dinner with Rob and dad.  I'll call you when I get back.

"Is Bruce with you?"

Yes, Bucky. She rolls her eyes.

"Emma, please."

I'm sorry.  Its just starting to get to me now.

"I know doll. Its almost over. I love you."

I love you too James. 

I hang up with Emma and head over to Fowler's room.  I knock and wait for them to open.

"Oh, look its happy Barnes today," Cam says to the other guys in the room.  I see that Steve, Ryan, Adam, Troy and Rickard are in the room. They all let out a laugh.

"Ha, ha guys. Emma told me to get over it and get out of the hotel.  I was hoping you guys could join me."

"Yeah punk, what we doing?" Steve asks.

"I was thinking steak dinner and then ring shopping," I say causally.

Ryan was drinking a beer when I said ring shopping. He spit out his drink and started choking a bit.  "I'm sorry did you just ask us to help you shop for a ring?"

"Yep." I say with a pop and give the guys a shit-eating grin.  "I asked Scott a few weeks ago and I think I want to ask her when the season is over. Whether it would be when we are eliminated or we win the cup.  I love her and I can't wait anymore."

"Dude! Congratulations!" Adam says giving me a hug. The rest of the guys give me their congratulations while Steve sits back, enjoying the moment and Ryan who hasn't moved. 

"Cap? You ok?" I ask.

"I'm just in shock.  Its been what? Six months? Are you sure?"

"Cap, if anything I waited 5 months longer than I wanted.  I fell in love with your sister the moment I laid eyes on her.  If you're not ok with this then I'll wait." I look at Ryan.  "She's the best thing that ever happened to me."

Ryan stands and pulls me in for a hug.  "If you hurt her, I will kill you," he whispers to me.

"Don't worry Ryan.  I think Steve will beat you to it."  I look down at my best friend, who nods.

"Ok then, ring shopping and then dinner to celebrate," Ryan announces.  "We got to find the perfect ring for our baby Duck!"

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