Cup Final

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*~* Bucky *~*

We only had two days off before we started the series again Colorado. I had never seen the arena so packed before during game one.  It was exciting but I knew we just needed to focus. And we did, winning in five games at Anaheim.  The celebration with the fans was huge.  Anaheim was going back to the final for the first time in a few years.  The team anxiously waited to see who we would be playing in the final.  The Capitals and the Bruins decided they needed to have a game seven.

I could feel the tension coming off of Emma as we watched the game at the apartment.  I know she wanted Washington to win to avoid seeing Alex. But of course, nothing is ever easy.  Boston won the game with ease. The reaction from Emma was one I was not expecting.  She cried.

"Emma, doll, c'mon it's going to be ok."

"You don't know that Bucky."

"Yes, I do.  You'll be with me the whole time.  We can talk to your dad about traveling with us so you have someone with you in the box." I had the ulterior motive behind it but I wasn't about to explain that to Emma.

Emma began to focus on the travel arrangements for Boston as we practiced for game one.  When Boston flew in for the game, Tony decided to double security around her.  Her annoyance level rose at the intrusion, but she never complained.  She knew that it was a fight she would never win with any of us.

Game day was upon us.  Emma and I walked in with Steve and Ryan.  We didn't tell her, but we just wanted to be there in case Alex tried anything. Clint and Coach Fury were ok with Emma waiting in the coach's office while we got ready and then we handed her off to Bruce and her new security guard Thor (really, like what kind of name is that?) As we were finishing warmups, Sam Wilson called me over.

"Dude, the captain of the Bruins just stopped me to ask to talk to you."

"Really? Did he say why?"

"No, but he said it was important."

"Thanks Sam.  Can you let Steve and Ryan know where I am?"

"Sure, no problem."

I walked out of the locker room and met Patrice Bergeron at the door.  "Bergeron.  What can I help you with?"

"Barnes, is Emma in the building?"

"Yes, why?"

"Is she alone?"

This now piqued my interest. "No, she's not.  She's with her dad, management and security.  I'll ask again.  Why?" I crossed my arms.

"Pierce is acting weird.  Like weirder than normal.  I don't like it but I have no reason to send him home. I know that he still has a thing for Emma.  I just want to make sure that she is safe."

I could feel my blood begin to boil.  But I remembered that this was not his fault.  "I appreciate the concern.  We raised her security for the series. She won't be alone."

"Good."  His face looked relieved. "Barnes, before you go, I just wanted to apologize for the hit.  Rumlow played dirty."

"We're good.  I healed. Water under the bridge."

"I'll see you on the ice.  Good luck."

"Same to you."

I walked back into the locker room and pulled Ryan, Steve, and Adam aside and explained what just happened.  I called security to make sure it was in place.  I also texted Emma.

Bucky: Doll, I know you want to come down after the game but I am asking that you don't.

Emma: Why?

Hockey Rules (Bucky Barnes AU x NHL)Where stories live. Discover now