Two Bulls With One Love

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While I was off train the Black Bulls wild card Asta was going on a mission with Noelle to deal with bandits in a nearby village.

"Asta have you seen any signs of the bandits" Noelle asked as Asta just keeps looking but no sign of any bandits. "No but many this place sure reminds me of Hage village" Asra says with a care free smile which made Noelle smile as well since she was born her siblings were always so cold to her and the fact she was unable to crontrol her magic made it worse but since joining the Black Bulls she has grown as a person but Asta changed her the most his drive to never give up inspired her. They were just about to find an inn to stay at before a group of people come flying past them on brooms carrying bags full of money which fit the information given to them about the bandits as Asta and Noelle give chase.

"Noelle hang back in case there are any bandits left in the village" Asta said as Noelle stays back as Asta and the bandits ran into a forest. "Emergency it's been stolen" one of the villagers says as he ran over to Noelle. "What's wrong" Noelle asked because of the concern in his voice as he was running in the same direction of Asta and the bandits.

"They stole an artifact I was researching from a nearby mine but it's dangerous if it's out of a special container I made it will explode" the villager said and that worried Noelle as Asta was after the bandits and most likely in danger so she ran after him hoping to warn them before it's too late.


Asta was catching up to the bandits but Noelle was not far behind him as the bandits exit the forest with Asta hot on their tails orcing them to turn and fight. "This kid is starting to bug me hey Shawn deal with this pest" the leader said as Shawn gets in front of them as his grimoire flips to a page. "Sand creation magic ant lion trap" Shawn said as the ground beneath Asta's feet becomes a sink hole but Asta quickly grabs a sword from his grimoire to stop himself from falling any futher and using his powerful muscles to launch himself at the enemy before slamming them into the ground with his sword.

"If that's the best you can do then you should just give up because my magic is never giving up" Asta says as the other bandits look at their leader who steps off his broom to face Asta face to face. *Please let me get to him in time* Noelle thought as she just exits forest to see Asta and the leader were about to fight before Noelle rushed towards Asta until some of the bandits block her path which Asta noticed before the leader attacks. "Wind creation magic wind scythe" the leader said as he begin swinging a scthe made of wind which Asta avoids it but just barely as it grazed his skin before he gets back to the fight but thanks to his anti-magic swords the scythe as easy to destroy.

"So your skilled at combat but is she" the leader says before sending a spear of wind flying towards Noelle forcing Asta to rush to her aid blocking the attack but the attack just keeps coming forcing Asta to stand his ground and protect Noelle. Asta continues to block the attack before the leader throws something at them before it explodes and engulfing them in a bright flash of light followed by the sound of thunder as the Bandits make a quick get away.

After a few minutes Noelle regains consciousness but holds her head she was layed on her back with smoke blocking her vision until the feeling of something warm run down her cheek but as the smoke clears the sight of Asta bleeding as he was sheilding Noelle before he gave her a warm smile. "Asta" Noelle said as she watched the look of pain show on his face before he fell on Noelle. After helping Asta back to the village for some medical help the only thing Noelle could think was why he would save her.

After Asta got medical help:

Noelle was sat by Asta's bed not leaving his side for even a second the village doctor would come by to check on Asta and bring Noelle some food until the night when Asta wakes up with Noelle sleeping by his side which made him smile. *Noelle I'm glad you weren't hurt* Asta thought as gets out of the bed and placed Noelle in an empty one but as he was about to return to his own Noelle spoke in her sleep as she said his name causing him to stop and look at her as the moon light shined through the window and in that moment Asta felt a strange feeling in his chest before giving her a kiss to the forehead before returning to his bed. Time passed before night turned to day but what was about to happen would change the live of Asta and Noelle for as Noelle wakes up she soon notice that Asta was gone before the sound of laughter could be heard as she rushed outside to see Asta making the kids of the village laugh with trick.

"Ok lets try something new" Asta says as he throws his swords in the air as the kids watch grab some fruit and throw them at the swords cutting them as they passed while this was happening Asta handed the kids a plate each before jumping in the air to grab his swords and land in front of the kids who soon saw fruit cut up fall on the plates before everyone clapped. "Asta" Noelle says in soft voice as she saw how he made this sad village smile and after a couple more trick she and Asta headed back to the Black Bulls hideout but Asta had something to say on the way back.

"Noelle I got you something" said as he placed a necklace that had a ocean blue stone on it which shocked Noelle, she didn't what it was for or even why but in that breif moment her heart took over as she kissed Asta which Asta return as well with sun light breaking through the trees before they stop and look at each other and continue on their way back to the hideout.

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