Curse Of Fasha (Part 3)

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After making it to the final chamber and solving the last puzzle you entered a room full of books like a library before meeting one of the three legends Fasha the goddess who had a blessing and a curse.
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As I sat in front of a legend after hearing her story all I could think is how painful her life must of been but what she says next snaps me back to reality. "Tell me what it is you seek from this place riches, power or maybe you seek knowledge" Fasha asked as I couldn't even think of what I wanted money could be helpul, stronger spell too but knowledge is even more powerful but I couldn't choose. "I don't know" was all I could say as she smiled and placed her grimoire on the table.

"I would like to offer you my spells" Fasha said as I push her grimoire back towards her which confused her as I look her in the eyes. "Your spells are special and also dangerous which is why they should be kept safe I'm sorry" I say before hearing her chuckle which confused me as she begins to laugh. "You pass" was all Fasha said as her grimoire flows into mine as all her spell appear within my grimoire.

"What just happened" I asked out of confusement as Fasha stops laughing and speaks. "It was a test you see I wanted to pass my spells on to another who's heart was not full of greed which is why if you had taken the grimoire I would of had my answer but you passed which makes me happy as I can finally go and see the others but also take this" Fasha said as I see her place a necklace with a huge round jewel in the centre in front of me before fading away with a smile on her face. "I will honor your legacy Fasha the goddess" I say before pick up the necklace and place it in my pocket before the whole place begins to fall apart as I rush back to the others and leave the ruins before returning to the hideout where I go straight to my room for some rest but sit at my desk to look at the necklace and my grimoire. *Why does it feel like just holding this is only the start of something much bigger* I thought as I place it down on the desk and go to bed for some well needed rest.


"Well" the leader of the bandits Asta and Noelle fought asked until a voice speaks to him through his mind making it feel like the real was right there. "Chase the second key is no longer at the ruins but I sense it's near remember I need the others for my dream to become reality as well as yours now find my key" the mysterious voice says before Chase calls his team before setting out to find the key.

Back at the hideout:

I lay on my bed tossing and turning as sweat was dripping down my face as the sound of voices calling out to me before I shoot up from my bed holding my hands on my ears but the voices just get louder and louder until I SCREAM out which caused the others to rush to my room where they see me on my knees hold my head. "[Fn] you ok" Magna asked as he rushed over but I couldn't even speak until I pass out and they place me on my bed. "What the hell was all that about" Finral asked as everyone was just left silent but as everyone was returning to their rooms Vanessa checked on you to make sure you were alright now but out the corner of her eye she saw the jewel in the necklace you on your desk glowing until it stops and returns to her room.

As night turns to day I wake up noticing that voice had stopped before grabbing my grimoire and the necklace and go down stairs where the others were eating. "Hey [Fn] feeling better" Asta asked stuffing his face with food as I smile and join them after all no person alive can resist eating Charmy's food but I notice Vanessa looking at me before pulling me aside so we could speak in private. "[Fn] last night after you passed out I checked on you before returning to my room and I saw that necklace glowing" Vanessa tells me as I look at it before even more questions came to mind but I knew just the guy to ask for some answers before I leave the hideout followed by Lily as we head to the demon village hoping that the old demon had answers for my questions.

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