Sorrowful Past

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Your Past:

I had just turned 15 years old but my excitement was at an all time high because in one week I would final get my own grimoire but little did I know that day would never come my father trained me in the day while my mother would teach me about cooking until the day when t was my time to gain a grimoire. "Ok I'm off I should be home in about an hour" I told my parents before walking to the location of the grimoire awarding ceremony but when I got there no one else was there before I noticed the door was slightly open and walk in before a horrible smell hits my nose but I soon see the other kids who had come for their grimoires blood coating the walls and body parts all over the floor as a single kid managed to speak. "You need to warn the village a demon" the kid says before the last of his life slips away and I quickly rush back to the village but as I get there all I see are building burning, blood covering the streets and scream in the air.

"MOM, DAD WHERE ARE YOU" I shout as I rush in the direction of my home but as I turn the last corner what I saw made tears for in my eye I saw my home crushed and my parents bleeding on the ground before I walk over to them as I see my father cough. "DAD" I shout as I flip him on to his back and soon see a large slash mark across his chest before taking hold of his blood covered hand. "son listen to me you must leave before it finds you that demon we love you son" my father whispers as the last of his life slips away and I break down into tears before an explosion came from the town square as my sadness turns to anger.

As I walked towards the square the mana in the air became thicker and even more bodies appear in the streets before I see the demon responsible and the last of my village. "Any last words humans" the demon said before getting a face full of fire causing him to stumble allowing the villagers that remained to escape as the rush over to me. "That hurt but at least you have some fight in you human" the demon says as I just look at him with anger before casting more flame magic and blast him repeatedly forcing him back with every impact.

"You attack my village and kill everyone and for that your..." I say before I feel my rage hit it's boiling point as the last villages watch on. "GONNA PAY" I shout before rushing at the demon and begin to throw punches packed with flame magic causing explosions with every hit untilit caught my punches. "You are strong human but your still no match for a demon like me" it said before slamming me into the ground as he looked at the other villagers and smiles as he walks towards them but I grab hold of him forcing him to stop. "So you will die before they do very well lets see how long you last" it said before grabbing me and tossed me into the build behind me but as I get back to my feet I see it rush at my and punch me into the building causing it to collapse on top of me but to the demons surprise I get up from the rubble covered in cuts and bleeding from head to toe but still standing as it grabs me and tossed me next to the villagers.

"I'll finish this with a single spell demon magic: demon roar" it says as it shoots a black beam of mana at us with very little time to act I get up and block the attack but it's destructive power was enough to destroy half the village. "Impressive you not only blocked my attack but am still standing most impressive but your done" it said as the demon begins to walk towards us and all I could think of is what I could possible do to stop it before I remember reading about spell but it comes at a cost however the cost will be worth it to protect the last of my village. "DEMON I WILL END THIS HERE AND NOW" I shout as the demon stopped to look at me as clap my hands together and soon begin a chant.

"Two minds think as one, two soul burn together and two bodies become one with mana of the sky and ground the seal I make to bond as one" I chant as a beam of light appear around me and the demon but it struggles to break free but no success. "What is this human" the demon asked as I look at it before giving a cocky smile. "This spell was a secret spell mother had from her clan years back and now I will use it to defeat you but don't worry you won't die I will simple seal you within me however once it's cast it can never be undone" I say as I continue to cast the spell but the demon continues to struggle but it becomes pointless.

"FORBIDDEN SEAL MAGIC: FUSION SEAL" I scream as the demon and I become one and just like that a demon was now sealed within me and so me and the demon had become a single person never to split but it did allow me the ability to use all types of magic including demon magic but I was forced to leave my village for fear that the demon inside would try and take control.

Your Past Ends:

"And that is how I am able to use demon magic" I finish telling them my story before the others get back and we all turn in for the night.

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