Spirit World (Part 2)

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In the last chapter Zora had come to the Black Bulls hideout in search of the last two keys needed to open a door to the spirit world but you and Asta put up a fight but in the end Zora got the last two key with you laying lifeless on the floor.
[Recap Ends]

"[FN]" Vanessa screams as she used her thread magic to try and break the barrier but no luck before she sees Zora smiling at her sadness. "ZORA YOU BETTER TAKE THIS BARRIER DOWN" Vanessa shouts as Zora looked at her puzzled before laughing. "No you see I have been keeping an eye on all the magic knight squads and you Black Bulls are more of a problem but don't worry I'll be back after taking my ultimate power" Zora said as he placed the spirit core in the spirit sword and finally the spirit ring in the guard as the spirit sword glows and soon a large door appear as the spirit sword unlocks it to reveal the spirit world.

"At long last it has been many years since I been here but now I'm one step closer to my goal" Zora tells himself as he and his men enter the spirit world leaving Asta and the others on the other side. "Asta you need to break this barrier" Finral says as Asta grabs his sword and pressed it against the barrier but no effect but steps back and takes a breath before going for a full powered swing which finally breaks the barrier allowing the others to rush over to your body as Vanessa breaks down into tears as Yami finished his bathroom break and gets caught up on the situation. "So this Zora guy is responsible in that cast Black Bulls we are now entering the spirit world and taking that bastard down" Yami said as all but Lily goes as she sat next to you lifeless body.

"I'm so sorry you saved my life but lost your own" Lily said as she cries next to your body as the Black Bulls enter the spirit world and soon see it's a beautiful place it was almost like something out of a fantasy book but in real life. "Wow this place is amazing" Asta said as he had never seen any place like this before but Vanessa just walks passed him with her only focus being Zora's death. "[Fn]'s death is hitting her hard" Asta says taking notice of her state eyes burning with rage as Noelle holds his hand.

"She loved him just like how I love you to be honest I wanted to kill him to for hurting you so I know Vanessa's pain" Noelle said as they all continue deeper into the spirit world with a strong flow of mana coming at them in waves. "Whatever is ahead of us is stong" Gauche says as the get to with in seeing distance before seeing a huge spirit dressed in white armour fighting Zora's men.

"Your getting slower old man" Zora said as the huge spirit made a box of light trapping Zora before the bandit leader breaks him out. "I beat one thousand years ago and I'll do it again" the huge spirit says as Zora smiled as the fight continues meanwhile the Black Bulls watched on.

"Noelle that must be the spirit king" Asta whispers as Noelle nods at his theory before noticing Vanessa stand up and begin to walk ever closer but some of Zora's men try to stop her but she used her thread magic to wrap around their neck and break them before letting go so they can fall to the ground as the others gulp after seeing the sight. "Remind me to never make Vanessa mad" Finral said fearing for his life after that before they all go after Vanessa. "So what's the plan does it involve food" Charmy say thinking with her stomach like normal before Noelle slaps her on the back of the head.

"Quit thinking about food" Noelle said as Charmy rubs the back of her head. "Tell you what if you all put in the work I'll give you all what you want for a single day" Yami tells them and that was enough to pump everyone up to force them into a battle with Zora's forces but Vanessa didn't care about them and goes straight after Zora. "Vanessa must have a death wish to go up against that monster" Finral says as Vanessa used her thread magic to grab Zora by the leg and pull him to the ground before trapping his arms and legs with her threads.

"What is this" Zora says before seeing Vanessa holding her threads as she walks closer to him with a clear show of anger as a tear falls down her cheek. "I'm going to kill you for what you've done" Vanessa said as she pulls the thread tighter as they wrap around his neck and begin to draw blood as they get ever tighter but Zora seems unfazed. "You believe your weak human magic can defeat a demon lord don't make me laugh" Zora said before snapping the threads and grabs Vanessa by the neck and squeezes tight choking the air from her lungs.

"I am death, I am power, I am Zora the demon lord and I WILL NOT BE KILLED BY A STUPID HUMAN" Zora shouts before throwing Vanessa into a rock before rushing at her with a sword at the ready as he swings it the impact caused and explosion leaving everyone unsure if Vanessa was ok but as the dust clear something shocked everyone including Zora. "No way you can't be here" Zora says as every sees as hand holding Zora's sword as Vanessa is soon revealed and unharmed but the person holding the sword was what shocked everyone. "[FN]" all the Black Bulls shout as I look at Zora but what he sees is pure red eyes just like his as I shatter his sword forcing him to jump away.

"Lets end this Zora" I say as Zora was for the first time in his life in actual shock at me being alive.


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