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After what happened to me on my date with Vanessa I had been training for a whole month trying to unleash the evolution Fasha told me about with little success until now.

"Lily you ok" I asked as we both had signs of exhaustion but keep going as we had made a little progress but Yami soon called us to go on a mission with Asta and Noelle. After getting Asta and Noelle we head to the site of a new set of ruins but it was different unlike with Fasha there was no mana in this area but from the information Yami gave us they need help opening a vault. "So what do you think is in the vault" Asta asked me as were flying to the location.

"If I had to guess it's most likely one of the other gifts that Fasha's team was given" I say but at this point it was only a thought as I could be completely wrong as we arrive at the ruins but there was no one in sight which was strange. "Asta, Noelle head to the vault me and Lily will look round the area for any people" I told them as we all split up while Asta and Noelle are hading to the vault me and Lily take a look around for the workers. As we were looking round I noticed the signs of what must of been an ambush but there was still no sign of the workers until I hear a sceam which caused me and Lily to rush over to it the location where we see a worker surrounded by corrupted spirits.

"LILY SPIRIT LINK" I shout as we take our spirit link form and rush at the corrupted spirits who quickly take notice and rush at us as well I quickly block an attack and counter with my fairy sword leaving two corrupted spirits left but they stayed at a distance. "These fallen seem smarter than the others" I say as we watched the last two fallen combined into a hulking spirit before rushing us but this was different because their speed was increased forcing me to dodge the attack. "Impossible it's a spirit bond" Lily tells me in my mind as I try to block the creature but the force of the impact cracked the floor beneath my feet as they back away.

"A spirit bond" I asked Lily as I noticed my arms were in a ton of pain from a single strike as I look at the creature that stood before us. "It's a more advaced form of spirit link" Lily tells me as I try not to think about the pain shooting through my arms as I focus on the creature. "More adavanced I can tell that last attack nearly broke my arms but we have to stop it here or it'll attack the next town in walks in" I say before taking hold of my spirit sword and ready for a fight but am soon surprised when the creature speaks.

"I must say your an interesting one but you have something of mine" the creature said as I look confused at how it's able to speak. "Who are you and what could I possible have of yours" I asked as it smile before walking towards me but it soon stops and points at my chest as I look down and see my necklace was the thing it was pointing at. "The stone belongs to me as for my name I'm Zora so hand it over" Zora said as I just place the necklace in my shirt out of sight before taking a battle stance.

Zora quickly goes on the attack but I parry his strike and deliver an uppercut knocking him back but I'm soon grabbed and slammed into the ground before being tossed through some pillars. "There was no need for this fight but since you refuse to return what's mine I'll just take it from your cold, lifeless body" Zora said as I struggle to stand up from his last attack but I manage to find the strength and stand up. "Tell me what is your goal Zora" I asked holding my ribs before seeing his chuckle at my question.

"Simple I'm going to kill the spirit and claim the power that should of been mine years ago but first that princess needs to go" Zora says as I realized that he knew Lily was the spirit kings daughter and that she was my spirit link partner. I avoid his next strike and make a counter attack but it does very little damage because of my own injuries before he pulls me into a bear hug and begins to slowly crush me as I try to break free. *Crap it's getting hard to breath think [Fn] think* I thought before I come up with an idea the only problem was me and Lily haven't been able to pull it off but it may be the only chance we have.

"Lily we need to evolve now" I tell her as we begin to focus and draw in mana from around us as we did an armour made of mana in that moment Zora let his grip slip allowing me to break free and put a little distance between us as I look at him. "What is this" Zora asked confused at our sudden change but what shocks him even more was how we spoke. "You could say we have gone even further beyond this is link evolution" me and Lily say as our voice over lap each other which was new but we could tell this link evolution was on a time limit so we go to end this fight with a single attack.

"LETS GO" we shout as we rush at Zora with fairy sword in hand ready to strike he goes to block but we vansh only to reappear behind and following through with a swing of the sword chopping Zora in half. "You think you have won this isn't even the real me just a servant but I promise you we will meet again" Zora told us as the corrupted spirit disappear just like when me and Lily first spirit linked but this was only the beginning of the war that was yet to come.

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