Chapter 7 : The Master

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"One's an anomaly, Two's a trend. Rule #89 Boss"

- RC1262 to RC1138 on discovering Trandoshan's was buying droids to invade on Kashyyyk.

Shium grabbed the phone off the droid and put it back into the lock position. He pushed the droid back into the dark room, sweat was dripping down his face as knew something was going to kick off shortly. His comlink was buzzing wildly, he tried to keep calm but he kept shaking. He took a deep breathe and answered it

"Shium.....the hell are you doing!? THIS WASNT PART OF THE BLOODY PLAN YOU ARSE!" Echoed the Master, he was furious but Shium had no other option. He thought about what he was going to say back to the Master.

"Do you want to be a dead man? No? Then let me do my job, cretin. You'll hear from me again in 2 hours.....I now have to deal with some Spec Ops clones now." He closer the comlink and contacted General Fullion. It rang about 7 times before Fullion answered Shium. "Sir, We have Delta's attention....they've tracked my location and will kill me.....orders, Sir" Shium went straight back into Clone mode, taking orders without thinking. Just like Shium did to the Master there was a pause from Fullion, a rather long and worrying one and then a voice that made Shium shake with fear.

"Clone Assassin Shium, This is your old friend RC1138 or yo can call me.....Boss. Now the General here has been locked up for treason. And now my orders are to either Kill you or bring you in alive.....and then kill you while I get the information I need from you pathetic brain.....if you tried to run you will make it worse for yourself. Oh the General, he's told me about the person we are hunting and how you helped her and watch OUR brother die from this virus. No sympathy? Nothing? Remorse?

Shium just sat on the chair head in his hands thinking about what he had done, it was true what Boss was saying to him. Nothing he could say could make it better as he was now a dead clone walking, and everyone knew that.

"Boss....he made me do it. I'm a clone like you I have to bow to my ranking officers....what choice did I have?!"

"You have the right under Order 619.65c "A Clone my turn in his CO for treason against the Republic" So what's your other excuse? Because frankly Shium am coming to get you, either in a body bag or alive kicking & screaming your ordinates now. Work WITH me and I might not hurt you as much"

Shium didn't want to give up so easily, he wanted to prove a point but he realised that this wasn't it, working for someone who is killing his brothers wasn't exactly the way to pick a side. What could he do? He had one option.

"I'll tell you everything I know, Boss on one condition....."

"Go on"

"I leave and never come back, you have my word. I already have a location to go to. I don't want to see any more deaths on my hands, so please I ask kindly I'll tell you everything and I go"

Silence, obviously Boss has control in his ear and probably Jedi General Obi Wan Kenobi. He kept still, he kept thinking the worst was going to happen to him.. Suddenly the comlink buzzed again this time it wasn't Boss.

"Shium, this Obi Wan Kenobi. I'll great you this wish, and if the information is wrong I'll personally track you down and bring you back for trail.

"I understand, Sir."

Shium got his wish, which many clones could only dream of but not the way they dreamt of doing it. He got up plugged the Datalink into his computer and transferred all documents and conversations between Shium, Fullion & the one they are tracking.....Ko Sai.

"38, sending the data now.....once it's sent this comlink will be going offline for ever.."

"Very well, Shium."

45% complete said the computer, Shium just felt guilty about his actions but this had to be done he was in over his head, the sooner this upload was done the quicker Shium could leave this planet for his safe house.

"Shium....." Said the droid behind him who had heard everything, was recording the entire conversation. The Hunted & Ko Sai heard it all. Shium didn't speak a word, he just turned around and looked directly into the Droids face.

"This ends now, you will be caught. And you'll all be dead......Delta will get you. Expect the worse imaginable pain ever" Shium paused and then continued and open his comlink to Boss so the rest of Task Force Viper could hear what Shium would say "You, Ko Sai created us to serve, and now you'll be killed by those you created...I would fear them and ask forgiveness before it's too late....."

The Hunt would now be two fold. Delta & the Task Force would strike soon. Shium simply closed the comlink and dropped the headset on the floor and stamped on it, gathered his stuff and put it in his backpack. He had his pistols & his CGR14.R Assassin rifle too, he flung it over his back. The droid just look at Shium, no emotion it made him feel awkward.

"Clone, Your mission isn't complete! I insist you carry on working for the Master.." Shium didn't even say a word and drawer his pistol putting 3 rounds into the droid, 2 into the chest and one into the head. He walked away grabbing the credits he'd been owned by Ko Sai & The Master, open his back pack and put them away. He took out a ARC Grenade and threw it in the room and walked away.

"Finally, I'm free and now I can live." He said to himself and pressed the detonator and the building collapsed into dust with civilians looking on in horror "Now where did I park?"

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