Chapter 8 : Hopper the Renegade Clone

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"Its still kicking. I think we need to hit this thing again"

- RC1138 "Boss" after shooting a droid noticing it was still moving.

From the distance the smoke was rising up from the building Shium just blew up, another Clone was watching on from a far. He watched Shium get into a speeder and disappear into the dense traffic that Coruscant always had. He jumped down and made his way towards the rubble and smoke, he put away his DC17 rifle on its clips on the back pack on the armour he had. This was no ordinary Clone, CIC Clone Intel Commando on a dull red camouflage, and they worked solely alone, the outcasts of the elite clones. He popped the seal on his helmet which had an pathfinder visor for better field of view and removed tucking it under his arm. He has a massive scar running down his right face, and he had what Clones called "Kama" which was a Mandolorian war skirt around his waist, it was meant to protect him from debris from blasts etc.

"What a mess, No class." He muttered to himself, his armour was similar to that of a Clone Commando, but it was more refined. More outspoken. His armour was Blue & Grey in sharp lines. His rank was on his chest plate, Colour Sergeant and his number "CI003" he threw a cordoned around the building and told civilians to move along. His comlink went off and he answered "Hopper, Sitrep?" Asked the CIC CO on the other end. "Sir, Shium got away. No Injuries to local population.." He answered back in a pissed off voice, he looked behind him and saw the local police finally arrive.

"We'll take it from here, Clone...." Said one of the officers, Hopper didn't take that well and grabbed the officers hand behind his back one more move could break it as the officer was screaming. "Lower the weapon otherwise your "buddy" will die as will you....I am not your enemy the person who DID this was....." Said Hopper to the officer who was aiming at him with a pistol. "Putting away the pistol, Now let him go" said the other officer. Hopper did what was asked and pushed the other officer away who was in tears. "Don't ever call me will respect a ranking officer. Next time I will break your arm."

Hopper put his helmet back on, and handed a data chip that somehow survived the explosion though it clearly seen the blast as was burnt and covered in specs of dust.

"This chip will cover the costs, Officers. And as for your arm....your lucky I didn't press harder as the bone would have snapped like wood...."

Hopper turned around and walked away looking up at the sky seeing the pale whispers of smoke. He slung his DC17 on his back, and got onto a speeder and flew into the dense traffic. His speeder was also uncommon for clones it was clearly a civilian model but with added military modifications. Hopper pressed the comlink hands free button on the wheel.

"Sorry, CIC. As I said Shium got away, but I could have sworn I got a shot away whether it hit him is unknown so check local news for any injured clones, or hospitals."

"03, we believe Shium has left the my also have to link up with a squad called Delta. Further debrief back at HQ. RTB, Solider."

Hopper pulled a face of surprise, his first ever mission alongside other clones? This made him feel uneasy he was a lone wolf and didn't take orders well, especially if they came from higher ranking officers.

"Wilco, RTB'ing now....have the Coffee ready."

The skyline was awe inspiring lights a blaze in a warm orange glow. Hopper liked Coruscant a lot, he hardly went of the planet he would deal with bounties and renegade clones. Did the idea of working with a squad scare him? Yes, but he felt he would try his best to be a good clone and obey his commanding CO.

Hopper landed his speeder on the Tarmac, switched the engine off and swung out with swagger. Armour clearly still dusty, he got his DC17 clipped it to his left leg and took his helmet off. He clearly didn't want to be classed amongst normal clones, his hair was blonde, and had a scar just bellow his bottom lip.

"Hopper, this is Captain Rex....I believe you've met before?" Said his CO General Gliss, he wasn't a clone he was a normal human but he was held as one of the best Republic generals in Galaxy. Hopper wiped his forehead, still clearly sweaty after the explosion. He offered his hand to Rex, who took it firmly.

"Yes, General...this guy saved my life in basic training. I owe him, so Rex squad leader? Thought you was an ARC captain?"

"I am, ner'vod...but things have changed and I am now in a task force. General, if you could kindly excuse me & the colour Sergeant we have some "details" to discuss"

"Not a problem, Captain. It was nice to meet you again. Stop by soon for a drink."

The general walked of the to the direction of the hangers with the bombers, Hopper now felt curious about this "details" Rex was going to share.

"Rex...c'mon, out with it?"

"I know you've been engaged with a clone...Shium? Yeah, we want him also, so RC1138 wants you on the task force. And you'll be tracking Shium with me & others..."

Hopper had to make sure he heard that right, he cocked his head to the right and try to think of the words to make it sound like he was willing to help, after all a solo lone wolf doesn't play well amongst others.

"Captain, you have my services..."

"Excellent, 38 is waiting along with other members. They'll tell you what's been happening thus far, and like wise? Am sure you have info on Shium, if we grab the bastard we get closer to Ko Sai."

"Wait, Ko Sai? The Genome Fierfek? What she done now? I know she's on the run but that's it, mate..."

"Long story short, she sold us out for the Trade Fed & has done a virus to kill us clones."

"Y'know for once, I might play ball with these other lads. I might work alone, but a ner'vod we are....vode an."

Rex nodded and they walked away to the debriefing room, at that moment Hopper knew he would be playing a pivotal role for the hunt of Ko Sai.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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