Chapter 6 : The Hunted

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"As you already know, 36's squad has been incapacitated. Their mission was to disable a droid factory in this sector. Your squad has been retasked for his purpose."

―Clone Advisor CC-01/425 telling Delta lead about the Loss 36's squad during the battle of Geonosis.

Boss sat down at the table eating his breakfast alone in the officers mess hall, he enjoyed the silence and his breakfast of Roba Sausage & Fgug Eggs. He savoured the moment while reading the latest news paper. He kept seeing the local terrorist cell crop up which Delta was investigating. The Hunted had again attacked another GAR Garrison no deaths this time but 4 wounded.

Another Commando appeared, he was wearing his armour. Purple with yellow stripes he popped the seal on his helmet and removed it putting it on a table. Sweat was dripping from his face. Boss knew he'd be in the training simulator alone, and from his markings he was Captain. RC5935 or Fi as Boss called him, they had trained together back on Kamino, they knew each well. Fi looked up and waved at Boss and Boss waved back with a grin and gestured Fi to join him for breakfast.

"Boss, good to see you! Been a while! How's it's going nervod?"

"Not bad, we're hunting someone you hate or shall I say we all hate. Proving hard to stomach"

"Don't tell me....Ko Sai? That bitch, I heard she's developed biochemical weapons against us?!"

"Sadly it's true, hate to say it as it worries me. How's the squad?"

"I bet, man I'd love to rip her thin skinny neck off. If you need an extra hand count me in, Boss. Squad is good! Ghuni's doing well after taking a round to the shin. So he's on the steady path to recovery. The others are fine. All on leave, I believe on Coruscant."

"Fi, I might take you up on that. But not with me. Captain Rex is leading a 2nd team to insert on a classified planet. I can get you clearance and briefed by today."

"Boss, it would be a pleasure." Replied the enthusiastic Fi. Boss admired his fellow officer, they had grown up together on Kamino. Boss carried on eating his breakfast, and drinking his fresh jojo juice. About 5 minutes had passed since Fi had gone, and the canteen was empty apart from the serving droids. Rex walked in looking extremely mad, he grabbed some cereal and a drink and sat with his fellow captain.

"Now there's a smile, oh you look so beautiful in the morning, Rex!" Boss said jokingly holding his glass to his mouth then taking a sip. Rex eventually smiled back and laughed.

"Shium, mate. Total tosser, just had to drop off a letter from General Kenobi to the arse....yeah I know a letter to him I know I know...."

Boss looked really taken aback from what Rex said. More intrigued than concerned, he ponder what to say back to Rex before saying something stupid and obvious.

"Could be a random check, assassins get random checks from high command. Sure they do?"

"Ahh, true that. Didn't think of it, but still what a Tosser! He & that general of his are up to something Boss, the way they go about....fishy."

Boss couldn't agree more, there was something odd happening between them 2. And whatever it was, it was bothering not just he & Rex, but the whole task force.

"Anyway, remember Fi? RC5935? Well, I think he should tag along with you & Fio....Damn good commando. Trained together back on planet K. He's the only one from his squad here, rest are on annual leave."

"The one with Purple armour? Yeah, nice guy if I recall. Shouldn't be a problem getting him in the Taskforce, Boss."

Boss then thought of Niner, he might be slightly skeptical of Fi. Niner liked to a run a certain number and bond with them, not that Fi was the enemy but Niner might come across cautiously towards the Captain.

"What about Niner? Reckon he'll take it well? You know what he's like..."

"I can't see why not, Boss. Whether Niner doesn't like it, we need the extra man. And if he's as smart as he looks he'll see that from our POV."

Boss nodded, and ate the last piece of his Roba sausage. Savouring the flavour with each chew. He finished up and got up shaking hands with Rex before leaving the canteen and back towards his quarters.

"Sir, you there?" Said a grumbling Sev, sounding like he had information for the captain.

"Go ahead, 07."

"It's regarding our Assassin....Shium. He's been seen with terrorist cell the hunted."

"Well well, funny you should mention that arsehole...,"

"He was last seen with the terrorist called Dhohn Iohnp."

Boss know had adrenaline rushing through his veins something wasn't adding up with this clone. Rex handing him a letter only hours ago and now this? Boss felt uneasy, super uneasy.

"When was the images taken?"

"4 hours ago, Sir. And he wasn't alone....General Fullion also seen."

"Fuck me, right does Niner know? And have you ran a back ground check on that "Dhohn Iohnp"?

"Yes, former Spec Ops for the goverment from a planet called Zunterini. Highly skilled, and deadly."

"Roger that, CIC 1 hour. 38 out."

The Hunted? More like The Hunters, said in his head. Things was about to heat up for the Taskforce. Boss sat down on the sofa, chewed over what Sev just said to him. Something wasn't adding up he kept telling himself, Fullion & Shium was just so out of touch with the balance of the hunt. Boss starred at the holo receiver waiting for another call from Sev or Niner. Minute had passed and it went off, Boss picked it up and he heard traffic in the back ground. Then a droid voice came over, very tinny sounding.

"We know, 38. We know about you and Delta.....Ko Sai will have you killed soon. You are going to DIE."

"Well, I guess I'll die don't scare me you pathetic metal piece of shit. Come get me, I'll shove this vibro blade into you chest."

"......Bring your other pathetic clones with you at 23:45. Downtown Coruscant, the hunted master wants to speak to you....." The line went dead, Boss had recorded the whole thing and sent it to each member of the task force including the latest edition Fi.

"Boss, what the hell was that!?" Asked Fixer who was at the firing range. His voice sounded rough like he'd been in the range for a while and worked up a swear.

"Fixer, if I knew I'd tell you but it's got serious now, calling all Task Force Striking Viper, Missiom room in 1 hour" Boss said on the open comlink. Boss had forgot his was vibro was still ejected out of his gauntlet, it went back in with a thud.

"Wilco, Sir." A chorus replied to the Boss. He threw the holo receiver back on to the bed. Now Boss had one thought in mind, do they kill this "Master" or stalk them, and how did the droid know his name? And Ko Sai? Now Boss felt that droid might be a golden ticket to the bastard bitch, Ko Sai was leaving bread crumbs and Delta & Co. was going to follow "The Hunted" to the bitter end, and hopefully it would lead towards the person who created Boss, the fierfek Ko Sai. Boss turned the Holo Tv on, he remembered he recorded the news about the attacks by The Hunted hoping to find some clue about how they knew him by name, plus Shium was with them....Boss didn't want to think it but it was the only statement he could find. Shium, betraying his fellow clones? Wouldn't be the first one to do it & probably not the last.

"Niner, what's Shiums last known location?"

"Believe it or not, downtown bloody Coruscant....."

Boss punched the table and smashed it in the process, he felt the pain instantly but didn't let it get to him. He looked at his hand, he thought when he got hold off Shium he should shoot him on site under the clone law 6152, betrayal is certain death...& Delta would be his judgement.

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