Chapter 2 : Revealations.

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"Rule 11: Weapons are never as effective when used against their makers."

- RC1262 Scorch telling Corr the 101 Rules of commandos.

Niner made his way down the corridor looking at his data pad which had information about Delta's raid on the Trade Fed factory. He was in clone intel attire, red top black trousers & had Sergeant rank on both his arms. As he read through the papers his comlink buzzed in his ear, initially he didn't answer as he was reading the data on the pad but the call seemed to go on forever, he opened it up and also frowned to himself.

"Sir, I'm sorry to trouble you but Delta 38 is insisting you come to debrief now I .."

"Tell 38 I'm on my way, Fio. I'm going as fast as I can. This is a lot of data to sift through y'know, plus I need a coffee!"

"Wilco, Sarge. Coffee? Hey! You owe me for last nights shift"

"Ha, yeah guess I do Corporal. Ok, drop it off on my way to Debriefing rooms."

"Thanks, Major."

Fio, he was a great intelligence asset of Major Niner. He was funny too, could always make the room laugh when the tension was way too high. The comlink went silent. Niner made his way to the eating quarters and grabbed some coffee, as he knew this debrief could be a while. He grabbed the coffee. A droid looked at him, and he looked back. Almost like they were locked into a staring match briefly but the droid went away cleaning the tables as other clones ate their daily rations. Niner took a sip and savoured the moment, sweet and refreshing coffee, or as some called it "JoJo".

A brief 10 minute walk later he arrived outside the debrief spec ops room, where only Tier 1 & special intelligence officers was allowed inside. He enter the code, the door swiped left and he walked in, the smell of the room hit him. Burnt smell from pistols and rifles. He saw a ARC Trooper, saw he had blue markings and the trooper turned around, his helmet was a Mark 1 helmet with Mark 4 features, he realised this wasn't just a normal clone. this was ARC Captain Rex.

"Niner! Good to see you, still rocking the red top I see! WOW, is Intel making you eat too much cake!? Pounds-a-packing"

"Ha, yeah.....cheeky du'it! you know us intelligence guys we dig red?!" He replied

"Boss is waiting in Room #1, and I have to tag along at the request of General Jedi Master Skywalker, Niner"

"Sure, Rex anything. I presume you'll be helping tracking down Ko Sai?"

"You could say that, or pre planned recon mission" Rex winked at Niner but Niner looked awfully confused almost taken aback by what he had said.

Both of them walked into room #1, Boss was sat down on the far side of the table already looking at the data from the raid at factory he and his squad had done only hours earlier. Boss glanced up and saw the pair of them, he held out his hand and shook Rex's hand & then Niners.

"Good to see you, old friend" said Boss to Rex "Nice helmet, black visor eh? I bet you get all the ladies with that. Niner, good to see you too"

"Haha, oh Boss I have missed your punkish charmed ways" replied the ARC Captain

Niner nodded and smiled, and pulled a chair out. Niner activated the holo board it showed up on the wall showing everything that was taken from the factory.

"What I'm about to say is STRICTLY for us only. This must not be mentioned outside this room unless we agree to bring certain members in. So, as you know we are hunting for Rogue Kominan Ko Sai. We believe she has been busy already, seems the virus is already in production in 2 Trade Fed planets. She could be on either one. That's where my good friend Rex comes in, Niner."

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