Chapter 3 : Return To Geonosis

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"Some people say that in order to achieve maximum combat effectiveness, they need to get into the zone. Sir, I *live* in the zone."

- RC1207 Sev, to his squad leader RC1138 at the battle of Geonosis.

2 days had past since the meeting between Rex, Niner & Boss. A meeting was held so the rest of Delta Squad & Fio now knew they was going back to as clones called it "Dust Red Hell" & Ghiop. the squad was eating together in the mess hall, only Scorch was still thinking about what to eat, and Sev as always was teasing him.

"You act like a baby, Scorch. Just damn eat it."

"Sev, Kiss my ass! I'm on one of those diets, y'know? The "See food" diet, eh!? Well I thought it was funny"

"I touch myself when I think of you, not like that I mean I rub my temples because you give me a migraine...."

The whole squad laughed at Sev's smart comeback to Scorches poor joke. Moral was high, which was needed as they would ship out to Geonosis in less than 9 hours time. Boss inspected the food he was given by the food droids. Some kind of meat & veg with a sweet treat afterwards. Everyone else was eating happily enjoying the food. But Boss? No, he was dreading going back to Geonosis the whole planet was just a barren wasteland & the it's indigenous species called Geonosians was ugly as hell insect creatures, with horrible fiery attitude.

"Boss, you going to finish that?" Asked Scorch, boss zoned out and realised about 10seconds later what Scorch had said.

"...Oh, yeah sure help yourself. Leave the cake though, that's mine." Replied Boss.

Fixer was already looking at entry points that Niner had given him, he looked for faults but this was Niner and he didn't do faults. Fixer gave a rare smile and prodded his squad leader.

"Niner, must thank him one day. He's got us the best entry point to under ground catacombs, used by those fugly 'nosians. They are empty. As that planet was heavily bombed by our lads. So it's an easy entry to the service tunnels. No Cameras there either. This could be our lucky day, Boss"

"Fixer, those service tunnels...does it show where they lead to?" Ask Boss as he now studied the blueprints with Fixer as the others ate and laughed.

"Power Service station, which powers the vats to create the virus. So, we need to MAKE sure the suits are air locked and vacuumed sealed, sir"

Suddenly Scorch, Sev & Corr stopped laughing and slowly chewed and swallowed the food in their mouths, as if the Penney has finally dropped. Boss held out his hand, and points to a specific part.

"Let me be clear, we won't be entering the "vats" all we have to do is feed in this stuff CIC is giving us to make the virus null or ineffective. This is a recon mission, I don't want us to engage unless needed, lads. I've got 7th Sky Corp as our QRF." Boss said making his mark at the table as all eyes was on him, a leader leads by example and he was showing why he was picked. "Just watch your corners, check all areas and kill quietly. Silenced or Vibro blade kills only."

The squad nodded, and looked at Boss "Wilco, Boss." almost like a chorus of singers agreeing. They finished their meals and put the trays back on the cleaning racks for the cleaning droids.

7 hours until incursion, The squad now went to the armoury master. Katarn armour mark 8 had been released and Delta was be first to try it out. Along with the DC18R rifle, Scorch seemed very happy the latter.

"Wow, 8 Anti Armour clips....whoever made this should get a medal. Enemies go boom, Sir" he said jokingly, Boss was trying his new Helmet. Better feel, better acoustics on the mic. The blue lit T shaped visor was even more scary as it had been changed to Red. "The enemy isn't going boom, 62" said Boss, almost calming a child down.

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