Chapter 5 : Blood Money

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"Delta Lead, it is absolutely vital that Sun Fac not escape."
―Clone Advisor CC-01/425 advising RC1138 to kill Sun Fac in the battle of Geonosis.

General Fullion entered his private quarters, Shium followed him. He grabbed some whiskey and poured him and Shium a drink. They both sat down and looked at the images they had captured.

"Seems we have a problem, Sir. Should have let me kill them....Rex, I hate him. He doesn't even remember what he did to me in training. Bastard."

"Shium, steady now. Ko Sai is already 2 steps ahead. And we'll make sure they remain 2 steps back. But these images have hampered that."

"Like I say, I should have shot them."

"And cause mass panic? And reveal we are rogue GAR Officers? Will go down a fucking treat, son."

"Sorry, Sir. And what about The Hunted? Have they been informed?"

"No, you will go down to Coruscant tomorrow and talk to Allion. Give them another bomb and another GAR garrison. It'll keep Niner and Co off our backs."

"And what about Delta? The Vau batch....38 would kill me, he's more superior than me. They will tell him about today....and no doubt Niner has my records."

"And? Let them know, we haven't done anything that's said "Oh hello, you will die now" have we?"

"I guess, but maybe I should have controlled myself better with Rex."

"It's sorted now, like I say let them find out we're already 2 steps ahead."

They laughed and drank the whiskey. Shium looked around the room with a stare of caution. Fullion entered a code on his holopad and it brought up and weak video of a long neck creature, as the picture became more clearer Shium knew who it was straight away.

"My lady, Ko Sai. How are you?" Fullion glanced at the screen, and drank more whiskey. Shium felt awkward almost like he probably shouldn't hear what was coming. He poured himself a glass of water this time. He felt like he could throw up.

" promised me that Delta wouldn't trouble me? I'm hearing they raided Geonosis already!? What is wrong with you!!?? I paid you 40 million credits to keep these clones away from me."

Ko Sai looked like something from the darkest depths of the ocean, pale slimy skin long neck and white eyes. She was classed back on Kamino as a pure breed. The elite, and she was evil to the core.

"Sai, it's not easy....I have Jedi to keep off my back and deal with Delta & now Captain Rex. So forgive ME, if the slight mishap happens. Shium here is my personal guard, and is trained is black ops I'm tasking him to stop Delta."

"He? Is a damn bloody clone! How CAN I trust him when I could easily kill hi.."

"Ko Sai, I could kill you myself because what you are doing is wrong....or I could help you by killing my brethren or they kill me. I know you know Skirata & Vau and I'm sure they would slice you from head to toe."

"....fair enough. Shium"

"So ladies & Gentlemen, I'll be in contact. Shium will pay you a visit Ko Sai and protect you when Delta does track you down....and trust me, they will. Fullion out."

The screen went blank, Fullion nodded and Shium. Shium felt as if he was being pushed to even his own limits, he was after all a clone assassin.

"Shium, think you just earned a fan. She seemed to warm up after what you said....maybe that will shut her up."

"....Sir, and forgive me for saying this....I'm not exactly happy about any of this. I don't like killing my own kind, and especially to protect that Fierfek!"

"I understand lad, but you are a free clone and being paid. You have been given the cure to the rapid age process. You have it all, unlike Delta and the others. You are Shium Heldnud as far as am concerned"


Shium stood up and shook Fullions hand and walked out the private quarters of the General. He had to think about what he was doing, could he kill his brothers? Could he tell him he has the cure to the rapid acceleration of the growth? How would they handle it? Boss would murder him, as Boss was a commando he stood taller and had more muscle on him then normal clones. Even Shium was dreading the thought of hand to hand combat with Boss also Rex.

Shium walked into his quarters turned on the holocam and watched the news and got blaster rifle and cleaned it. He knew the next move Delta made could possibly be their last or even worse his.

He turned on his Holo Pad, looking for news about "The Hunted" and as planned they had attacked more GAR Garrisons. Did he feel guilty about helping these terrorists? No, Shium didn't because he felt like he was cheated out of a full life span. But that didn't mean he felt bad knowing other Clones was being killed, it was a damn if you do and damned if you don't situation for the poor bloke. He laid the pad on his bed and poured himself a glass Ajojo, a strong fermented alcoholic beverage. He took a sip and felt it warm his insides up instantly. Suddenly before he took another sip a knock at the door, he put the drink down and placed his hand on his pistol. Looked through the little hole, it was Captain Rex.

"Open up, Shium. That's AN order." Barked the captain, Shium felt his stomach knot up. He opened the door and Rex stood there no helmet on looking furiously at Shium.

"IF I find OUT you have anything to do with these attacks on head will be on the floor, Shium. I know what the General is like, too...I've got my eye on sure my good friend Boss would love to rip you a new arsehole too....anyway, you are wanted by General Kenobi. He's the letter he told me to give to you....Fierfek."

Shium inside was shaking like a leaf, he know Rex wasn't to be fucked around with. The Captain had a record of breaking the weak and loosing his temper with traitors. Shium looked at the letter, felt puzzled by the fact a Jedi sent it to him.

"....Rex, what is this? Why is the General sending me a letter?" He starred right into Rex's eyes and he got a stare back that had that look of a man who could kill without a second thought.

"How should I know? It says "Private & Confidential" for a reason...." Replied a sarcastic Rex, who looked off towards CIC. Shium closed the door and placed the letter on the glass table, what was it that a Jedi General wanted with a clone assassin? Shium was spiralling into a world he wished he didn't signed up for, but most clones didn't get that option.

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