Chapter 4 : Darkness

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"You have to know the limits of your physical and mental endurance, so you can recognize them and pass beyond them. This is why I will push you beyond any suffering you can imagine. You will not give up and die like lesser men; you will not crack up like lesser men; you will not lose heart in the direst circumstances like lesser men. And you will be the last men standing when the weaklings have opted to do the easy thing and die."

―Sergeant Walon Vau, addressing junior clone trainees on Kamino.

Niner was looking at the holo cam placed on Boss, it showed the ship called the hunted and the vats. Obviously the two was connected but how? How can a small time terrorist cell be connected to Ko Sai or Trade Federation they wouldn't dare be on the Republics capital planet. Niner just looked puzzled. Rex & Fio walked in after Niner buzzed their comlinks.

"Fio, The Hunted...ring any bells?."

"Sir, isn't that the terrorist group who attacked a GAR Garrison 2 days ago?"

"Yes, them. Well it seems they've ended up on Geonosis....right where they are shipping the complete virus."

"Complete, wait hold are saying Ko Sai has perfected the virus? Has Delta confirmed it?" Asked Rex, he looked bewildered, almost questioning his own question. "Because if they have, we HAVE to go to Ghiop now. We can't wait, we must save those who are being tested on, Niner."

"Rex, Calm...I've got a ship on standby for you and Fio you leave in 2 hours. And yes, Delta confirmed it here, take a look"

Niner played the video of Boss looking around the shipping and Vat areas. 8 vats lined in a row all marked 45c and 3 ships all having the virus loaded on to them. One being "The Hunted" ship.

"So, is the plan the same? Recon? Or full out attack. Because right now, attacking is the part form of defence...." Rex pointed to the ships, he had a point. Recon seemed pointless now. He had to save the others from being tested on by Ko Sai on Ghiop.

"If you want to wait, Delta is RV'ing back here. Maybe sending 7 of you to Ghiop will give us a better chance of saving the others."

"Sounds good, Sir." Fio looked at the vats. Formed a fist, he was ready to show them that clones don't give up easily without a fight "Then we wait for Delta." Said Rex.

Suddenly the doors opened, and a figure entered in black and gold attire. General Fullion made his entrance into the nerve centre, he was the only none clone onboard the ship and he ran the Viper One. He walked followed by 2 Clone Troopers, his own troopers. He held out his hand to Niner, and he shook.

"General, wasn't expecting you? Can we help you?" Rex eyed the 2 Troopers, their helmets wasn't the normal clone type, seemed way more advanced almost ARC with hints of Commando. One of them went for their pistol placed his hand on it almost ready to shoot Rex, he felt he was being watched.

"Gentlemen, I hear you hunt for Ko Sai is this correct? Just heard rumours is all, I know she's with the Separatist Alliance & Trade Federation." The General looked at the images, raised an eye brow.

"Ah, Geonosis....I presume you had clearance to be there?"

"Yes, General....Master Skywalker gave the order." Barked Rex, who was getting more angry at the troopers, one of still held his hand on pistol while it was in the holder.

"You must be...Rex, ah Captain markings. ARC...I hear good things of you!" General walked over to Rex who had formed at fist he felt as if they was being watched.

"Yes, ARC CT-7567 Captain Rex....sir"

"You seem tensed, Captain....something wrong?"

"You're lads, or shall I say one of them....he's holding his hand on his pistol like he's ready to shoot us....General."

"Shium, stand down. We aren't here to make enemies. I'm sorry captain, my lads are Nulls, I know you know Nulls....but these aren't those ones like Kal Skirata spoiled."

"I don't care who they are, Sir. They best stand down or I will put them down"

The General looked over his shoulder and patted his hand on one of the troopers. They put their arms straight and of the pistols. Rex immediately felt less threatened.

"Much better, eh? Right Ko Sai....enlighten me Niner? These images?"

"Sorry, General classified by Skywalkers orders. You must take it up with him or General Kenobi."

"Very well, I see. Well keep it up."

General Fullion walked away followed by the 2 mystery troopers. The one he called Shium turned around and looked straight at Rex, who grabbed his knife out from his chest plate and pointed it at Shium. The trooper turned away and the door closed behind them. Fio looked confused by it all, Niner kept looking at the images. Rex wasn't buying it, something wasn't right.

"What was that all about, Sir?" Fio asked scratching his forehead, like he just seen a film that was confusing from start to finish. Rex put his knife back into its sheath.

"That, Fio was General Fullion. Known to be coy about anything that seems close to the Seps or Feds.....personally he's bloody mole." Rex looked at Fio, the expression on the corporal changed and he finally realised what he meant.

"You think he was to get to us? Break us down? What the hell was those troopers!? I've heard of Nulls, but they seemed way more scary than the others."

"Exactly, Mate." Niner still looking at the images Boss had sent back replied politely. Clearly he was looking for anything to help them get Ko Sai.

"Rex, I don't get....why was that Null Shium willing to draw his pistol?"

"Not sure, I think I need to talk to a Null a friend of mine. Ordo might know, Kal Skirata lad. Plus his other ones. Treats them like his sons. Good lads, I hope they can clear that up."

"Shium, known clone assassin. Number CA 2205. Kills troopers who tried to leave the GAR."

Niner once again made the room go quiet, he was scanning the data base for Null Clones. Shium popped up, and his record was eye raising to say the least. He pressed a button and it showed Shium's photo and records.

"Killed 10 clones already this year. I wouldn't want to mess with him...." Fio just looked totally out of his depth by everything that just happened.

"Fio, you wouldn't want to mess with me or Delta. This punk wouldn't stand a chance against us. And if he keeps pestering us I will pull rank on him. He's only a Lieutenant, Di'kut."

Niner laughed, and went back to his work. Fio poured some water and drank it. Meanwhile Rex looked at the vats, studying the lettering on them like they almost matched something he'd before. A clone walked in, in full white armour holding his helmet under his arm.

"Sir, Delta is back. They're in the Hanger, shall I tell them to wait in the debriefing room?"

"Yes, Please Private Yuki." Replied Niner, he looked and smiled at the trooper and then turned back to the holopad.

"Very good, Sir"

Yuki existed the room and went down the corridor. So, Ko Sai was 2 steps ahead and now a snooping General and clones assassins now on their backs. It's seemed Task Force Striking Viper had a mountain to climb. Niner got up and took the data stick with him Fio followed him and Rex was closing the system down and clearing all data.

"Delta is waiting, chaps. Let's not keep 38 waiting." Said Niner, Who walked down the corridor with Fio and some seconds later Rex followed suit. If this was getting more puzzling then it seemed they needed a break crucially now rather than later.

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