Hate #11: Snow

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I don't know about the weather conditions where you live, but here in Virginia, it's pretty damn cold. So cold that we've had mountains of snow for quite a few weeks.

At first, the snow was a good thing to me. I got to miss school, I could stay home all day, it was perfect! Now, not so much.

Literally EVERY time it snows, we miss a week of school. I didn't notice it at the time, but those weeks pile up and as they do, the days we have to make up pile too. At this rate, we'll be having school on Saturdays. And I don't know about you, but I NEED my Saturdays.

Like I won't live without them.

The only good thing about snow is making snowmen and having snowball fights (I've taken one to the ear twice now and when I say that shit hurts, I mean that shit HURTS). Or at least, that was the case when I was a little kid. Now I'm more concerned with making sure my favorite Bleach characters don't die. They already killed off the bount chick so....

Oops. I'm so sorry.

Anyway, now I have my anime, my art, and my schoolwork. Even if I had the time to go play in the snow, I'd probably just be risking getting a snowball to the face area for the third time in a row.

Long story short, snow sucks. Vote if you hate snow.

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