Hate #10: Updates

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Yay! 10th hate!

Oh Yato, no. That's enough of that.

The one time I try and be positive in a rant book.... anyway....

This is mainly gonna be about the update for Instagram, but this applies to all that relate.

Those of you that know what I'm talking about are probably like, "IKR!" and if you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm about to tell you.

Instagram updated about a month ago (MONTH AGO) and it made it so in order for the videos, you actually have to tap the screen to hear the sound. And since it almost never works, by the time you tap the screen you've missed half of the video.

Stupid right?

So in order to hear the entire video, you have play it twice. TWICE. Let that sink into your head because if you don't find something SERIOUSLY wrong with that set up, then you need to sit still and think for a while because my friend, that is bull feces.

I really liked this MMORPG game I got called Avabel Online (friend me. My name is _Minla) and after the update, it steadily got worse and worse until one update, everything was cool. I couldn't tell what changed, but everything was cool.

I couldn't tell until I went to join the "No Rule Map" and it took me back to base. And what sucks is, it keep sending me back to the one base I truly despise! And when I say I was pissed, I mean I was pissed. But eventually, they did update it so the map did work. But it took them multiple updates to fix the ONE problem I had with the game.

See, app updates are just like selfies, the first 47 are awful and the 48th one is awesome. But unlike selfies, I can't wait 48 updates for one problem to be fixed.

Vote if you hate the new Insta update and/or updates in general.

Also, comment your Instagram username and I'll follow you!

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