XIV: queen tings - masego

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TW: rape

It was only after arriving at the river estate to give Rhys his finalized report did Azriel realize he hadn't actually asked if it was okay to bring Aida to dinner. Taking a note from his brother's book, he decided it was better to act first and ask for forgiveness later.

"What's bothering you, Az?" Rhys asked from the seat behind his desk. Even though his brother donned his usual mask of disinterest, Rhys could tell when something was nagging him.

"Do you remember the female from the club?" Azriel asked as he stood in front of the desk. He was too antsy to sit.

"The one that you're always sneaking off to see like a horny teenager? Yes. What about her?" Rhysand said, not bothering to look up from the papers.

"I invited her to dinner on Saturday." That got his attention.

"Oh?" Rhys asked as he dropped the papers to look up at his brother.

"She's coming, so we'll need to set another place." Azriel blazed through, knowing that if he let a sliver of doubt creep into his mind he wouldn't follow through.

It wasn't every day that new people came to dinner, even rarer so that Azriel of all people would be the one to extend an invitation.

"Why did you invite her to dinner, Azriel?" Rhysand asked, a shit-eating grin appearing on his face. Azriel pursed his lips and shook his head, he didn't enjoy being teased.

"Because I thought she might enjoy it. She's friends with Mor, and Cassian adores her. I thought it would be nice." Lies. Lies. All lies.

"What's the real reason you invited her?" Rhys could see right through him.

"You know why, stop dragging it. We'll be here at six."

"Oh my, and you're escorting her. If I didn't know any better I'd say -"

"Then don't say it." As much as Azriel had enjoyed their bubble of happiness, he wanted her to see more of him. It wasn't as big of a deal as it should have been, like he said before she was already friends with half of the family. Yes, he invited her partially because he knew Cassian would be jumping for joy at seeing his new friend. But he knew he wanted to be serious with her, serious about their relationship. And that started with bringing his family into the fold. He only hoped that one day he might be able to meet hers.

"Be careful Azriel, that is all. Make sure you know all of her before getting too deep." Rhys said.

"I know that." Azriel snapped, his patience already fraying. Rhysand sucked in a patient breath as he turned his attention back to the reports. It was at least a minute before Azriel spoke again.

"I really like her." He muttered.

Rhys smiled softly as he spoke, "If she gets you this riled up over a dinner, then I will look forward to meeting her formally. I wish you the best, brother."

With a curt nod signaling the end of the conversation, Azriel left the room.

Saturday was finally starting to come to a close as Aida and Gina walked through the streets of the Palace of Bone and Salt. School kids ran through the streets as they picked up their after-school snacks on their way home. Young and old, none were exempt from the wonders of sugary treats. It had been two days since Azriel had extended his diner invitation, and Aida hadn't stopped agonizing about the event since.

"Is that all the stuff?" Gina asked, her eyes scanning the short list of food and drinks that the pair had been sent out to get after losing a six-way game of rock paper scissors. Johanes, Fiona, Marcy, and Ophelia were all in the comfort of the upstairs apartment, waiting for Aida and Gina to get back from retrieving the refreshments for game night.

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