XVIII : 3 nights - dominic fike

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"Do you just not conceptualize time like the rest of us or something?" What a pleasant way to greet her older brother after not seeing the male for five years.

"Can you let me breathe before you come at me full force with your attitude? I haven't even stepped into the house yet." Yes, the two of them were definitely related. Aida's mock frown turned into a huge grin as she launched herself at Callahan. He dropped the bag he was holding to catch her, his arms wrapping around her middle as he spun her around.

"You asshole, you never responded to my letters. I was so worried about you." She muttered into his neck.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry. I only just got them a few months ago after I settled into my new place. I'd been redirecting them all to mom and dad's." Aida wasn't listening to his explanation, she didn't really care all that much anymore. All that mattered was that she finally had her older brother back after all these years.

"Come in, come in," She said after she composed herself. She opened Ophelia's doors wider to let her brother and nieces in, stopping her sister-in-law before she could step over the threshold.


"Hey baby girl," The older female said, hugging her sister. While Natalie and Aida saw each other at least once every year, she still missed her dearly whenever she had to go back home.

"Let me show you to your room." Grabbing her hand, Aida led Natalie through Ophelia's maze of a house. After lots of persuasion, Aida had agreed to stay with Ophelia for the week of the memorial, along with her other family. Usually, they all managed to squeeze into Aida's house. But with Callahan finally making an appearance this year, Aida realized her house was no longer big enough. And she'd be damned if she forced him to stay in a hotel this week.

Ophelia had an outrageous amount of empty rooms in the mansion, more than Aida had ever seen filled. Leading her to the second story, Aida led her down a hallway until they came to the end.

"You'll each have your own rooms. Yours is the one in the middle. Zia's is on the left and Alexa's is on the right. Ophelia made Alexa's room smaller so it didn't seem as daunting for her. You know where my and Ophelia's rooms are, and Callahan will be staying in his old room." Callahan never really visited enough for them to truly call it his room, but whenever he did spend the night he always picked the same room that overlooked the large city.

"I'm just so excited he's finally here." Aida squealed after her rant. Natalie laid a hand on her shoulder, her soft eyes boring into Aida's overexcited ones.

"He's happy to be here as well. You two have much to talk about."

The rest of the morning was spent getting everyone situated in her rooms. Zia nearly screamed when she saw the size of her room and had run out promptly after seeing it to ask her mother if she could live here instead of at grandma and grandpas. Alexa had been excited about her room as well. Earlier that week Aida and Ophelia had gone in and painted a wall full of sea creatures and gotten plenty of pillows and blankets they were sure the youngest Laurent would enjoy. Natalie had to drag her out of the room for lunch.

Aida suggested serving the lunch she had made for them in Ophelia's sunroom, as it was getting a little too cold to be eating food outside in any enjoyable manner. She enlisted the help of her nieces to carry the dishes out to the table, and once everything was set and ready, the family sat down to eat. Callahan, Aida, and Ophelia sat on one side of the table while Nat, Zia, and Alexa sat on the other.

"So you've settled down somewhere, hm?" Aida asked Cal, a mouthful of pasta making its way into her open mouth.

"You have no manners. Mother would be ashamed of you."

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