XVII : dark red - steve lacy

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Callahan hasn't returned to the Night Court in five years. Ever since Amarantha had been killed, ever since his beloved little brother had died.

Until now.

He would have never guessed that having Night Court identification papers would be such a blessing until he found himself at the gates of the famed city of starlight. The last time he visited...well, he'd rather not remember that time. He was different now, at least he thought he was.

"Are we there yet?" Alexa whispered in Callahan's ear. This had to be, what, the tenth time she had asked him in the past half an hour. At this point, he thought she was just doing it to annoy him, and it was working. His patience only went so far.

"Not yet, little one." His niece pouted and dug her face into his shoulder, her small arms attempting to wrap around her neck. "You'll know when we get there. I promise."

"You remember Ophelia's house?" Natalie asked her eldest daughter. Zia nodded as she walked, her fingers intertwined with her mother's.

"You'll be able to pick any bedroom you like when you get there."

"I know mom, this is the second time you've told me that today." Nat looked up at Callahan. It hurt him, it really did, to see that look in her eyes.

"You've had quite the attitude Z. Is there anything you'd like to share with the class?" His job was talking to people, and yet when it came to his family he obviously fell short on class. His justification: she was a bratty pre-teen.

"Thank you for taking us," Natalie said as she walked to his side. "It saved a lot of time and money that we don't have." Callahan nodded. She had no need to thank him. He was planning on visiting his parents' house before going to the city anyway. Because they lived there now, it only made sense for Callahan to winnow them all together. It was well within his power range now, and he was looking forward to seeing his sister-in-law. His family in general really. There had been radio silence on his end for the past few years.

"You don't have to thank me, Nat. I'm happy to help." They walked in silence until they reached the gates.

"Please state your name and purpose," The guard manning the window asked their party of four.

"Callahan Laurent."

"Natalie, Zia, and Alexa Laurent." Natalie said from next to him, speaking for herself as well as her daughters.

"Are these your lovely daughters Callahan?" The man asked.

"No, nieces. They're my brother's kids."

Callahan had gone in and out of that city more times than he could count to visit his reckless siblings over the years. Most of the guards were familiar with him, the rotation hadn't changed in thirty years.

"What brings you to the city this time? Damage control?" Call knew he meant Aida.

"The memorial on Friday." The man nodded solemnly, finding it better to end this conversation before it turned in an ugly direction.

"Enjoy your stay." The man said, handing them back their newly stamped passports. Situating Alexa more firmly on his hip, Callahan turned towards the gates.

The Night Court's security, or at least that for Rhysand's precious city, was outrageous. The city was blocked by a mountain crafted from an illusion that only Night Court citizens could see past unless otherwise granted permission. But even then, it was difficult to get into the city. Immigrants from other courts who were seeking sanctuary had it the worst. Without a birth certificate from the Night Court, it was nearly impossible to get in. He could never quite get along with the idea of the bastard High Lord creating a safe haven, and then bar entry from it, at least from those he hadn't personally rescued. That and the fact that it seemed the only city he cared about in his truly massive court was that from which he resided in. Bullshit, it was complete bullshit.

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