I : me and mr. jones - amy winehouse

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The sun was beginning to set when Morrigan burst into the townhouse, declaring the group was to go to a local restaurant because a friend of hers was performing that night. The only argument coming from Amren, who claimed she had better things to do in her spare time than getting drunk, Cassian mumbling that one of them was probably Varian. She was very strict about the dress code when she said, "Az, Cass. Anything but leathers...please."

"And if I decide to go naked?" Cassian asked.


It took Feyre and Rhys all of three seconds before winnowing upstairs.

"They're like horny teenagers," Mor said as she walked to a couch.

"Well one of them is," Amren replied before sitting next to the blonde. Azriel laughed softly to himself before he left the room to change, still having a few of his clothes in his shared room with Cassian. Amren already looked nice enough, having come to the house in a pair of loose-fitting black pants, a silver button-down shirt, and a pair of white shoes. Rhysand and Feyre cut is close as to be expected.  Rhysand in his signature half-buttoned top, Feyre wearing a dark blue dress that stopped before her knees. Azriel and Cassian wore almost identical outfits in their black pants and shirts. The only difference being that while Cassian wore a button-down, Az opted for a sweater. Mor smiled and clapped her hands in excitement when everyone assembled, silently thanking the cauldron that she hadn't had to drag Rhys off of Feyre.

"Why are you so hell-bent on this place?" Cassian asked as the group strolled down the streets of Valeris.

"A friend is performing tonight. And I thought it could be a nice family outing."

"Nice," Azriel muttered with a chuckle, knowing that nine times out of ten Cassian interrupted their evening by getting rip-roaring drunk to the point where Rhys had to carry him home. It didn't take long to get to the restaurant because of how quiet the streets were that night. But still, a few people stopped the High Lord and Lady to express their love or gratitude.

The building was in a beautiful place in the city, musicians and vendors lined the streets, the base of the Sidra only a few blocks away. The place was family-friendly, which could be seen from the children running in and out of the glass front door. When the group made their way inside, Mor politely asked the hostess for a table of six, breaking out of her conversation with Cassian. The woman tried her best not to gawk at the party she was seating, they didn't frequent her place like they did the other various restaurants and bars. She sat them at a table on the left side of the stage not too far from the front. Cassian and Amren took up the two heads, Mor and Feyre sitting on the left side of the table while Rhysand and Azriel took the right. The inside was what to be expected at a jazz lounge, low hanging lights on the ceiling and railings of the second story, small lamps situated in the middle of all of the tables and booths, and a raised stage in the back for the artists and their accompanying musicians, 

"I hope your friend can sing Mor, or I just wasted an evening," Amren said as she began picking the non-existent dirt out of her long fingernails.

"The fact that you think I wouldn't be friends with someone who is as equally talented and gifted as me is truly insulting." Cassian eyebrows shot up at her comment, his eyes darting to Rhys who put a fist over his mouth in response, bracing a hand on the table as he tried not to laugh. Azriel chuckled as he looked down at his lap, his black pants suddenly becoming very interesting.

"Oh, all of you can fuck off," Mor said, clearly offended as she took a sip of her drink that seemed to appear out of nowhere. The conversation varied after that Amren and Cassian seemed to get along well enough for once as they talked with Mor about sporting events. Rhysand and Feyre stayed silent, but everyone knew they were having one of their personal conversations, it never failed to weird any of the group out whenever they did it. They ate, laughed, sang along to the songs that they knew, and Mor even managed to drag Cassian to the dance floor, swaying to the slow music. It had been a few years since Mor had come out to the Inner Circle since she had come out to Azriel more specifically. It hurt, more than he'd like to admit, but he understood. All he ever wanted was for her to be happy, and she deserved it after Keir and Eris. At least now it gave him grounds to move on without feeling terribly guilty about it.

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