VII : crew - goldlink

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One thing that Aida realized as she tied her apron around her waist and got ready for her morning shift, was that she had neglected to set another date to see Azriel. It had been almost a week since she had last seen him, and call her attached, but she was beginning to miss the quiet spymaster, as much as his silence unnerved her sometimes. Maybe it also had to do with the fact that she was getting used to having a constant sexual partner again, but she also missed the feeling of his hands, lips, and tongue traveling along the more intimate parts of her body.

Gods, she hated this. She deliberately told herself to not get attached, and normally she didn't. But it was different with him. Their breathless pillow talk felt like more than just talk, his patience with her, unlike anything she had experienced in a long while. He was nice, she realized. Aida chuckled darkly to herself, resisting the urge to roll her eyes as a realization finally came to her.

She liked him because he was nice to her. What kind of fucked and broken reasoning was that? Nice. And not the false nice that males tried to lure you in with to create a false sense of security. Actually nice. Genuine nice. The kind of nice that did things for you even if they didn't have to, the kind of nice that didn't expect anything in return.

"Look, guess who she's thinking about right now," Gina muttered to the twins as they stood in the restaurant, waiting to say goodbye to their mother before making their way to school.

"Who. Is it the guy she's been seeing?" Fiona asked from the woman's right. Gina nodded, wiping her hands on her dirty jeans. Johanes smiled, pushing the last of his school books into his book bag as he watched Aida zone out.

"It's sad, honestly Aida. I expected so much more from you." Marcy chimed in, finally breaking Aida out of her thoughts.

"You can all suck my dick," Aida said, making sure to look all of her friends and family directly in the eye. "And shouldn't you two have left already? What the hell are you doing here?" She asked the twins, noticing that they were supposed to have left almost five minutes ago.

"Just wanted to say bye," Fiona said, putting her arms against the bar as she leaned over it to give Aida a kiss on the cheek. Johanes did the same, using his affection as a way to snag the muffin sitting atop the counter. Before Aida could bark out a curse, the twins had already run from the shop, the sound of their laughter following them out the door. Aida shook her head, glancing around the floor that was already beginning to fill up.

Noticing that Johanes and Fiona had left the restaurant, a few other tables full of teenagers began to leave as well. Cursing as they saw the time on the clocks. Because Drew's was within a reasonable walking distance from their school, a lot of her kids' classmates stopped by in the morning for a to-go coffee or a bagel, and some of the upperclassmen even came back in for lunch.

"Hello Sir, what can I get for you today?" Aida asked, speaking to a purple-skinned faerie who had just walked to the bar. In her restaurant - for breakfast at least - they had the option of takeout. It was easy to tell them from the dine-ins because the people who chose the to-go option would come to the breakfast bar instead of being seated by a waiter or waitress. They also got numbered tickets, big enough to see from halfway across the restaurant.

"Just a coffee please, black." He replied, beginning to fish some money out of his wallet.

"Great. What size?" Aida asked, writing the male's order down on a ticket. It wasn't necessary, but they had to write down every order that was placed for the paperwork, even if someone only ordered a small treat or a drink.


Aida nodded and took down the size as well. "What does a guy have to do to ask you on a date.?" He asked after he handed Aida his money. Her mind was so focused on giving him exact change that she didn't even register the words that flew out of her mouth.

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