Act 3: Valentine's Day Again

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Scene 1:

It's been almost a month, and things have pretty much remained the same. Right now, it's Valentine's Day. Holly woke up a bit earlier today, and is talking to Eddie on the private servers of Club Penguin, for the first time since school started.

Eddie: No way. No fucking way.

Holly: I'm telling you. He faked the whole thing. He's alive, and we've had so much fun together.

Eddie: I... I don't believe this. I mean, it sounds a lot like something Chase would do... But fuck, Imma have to go all the way to Canada, and do some digging.

Holly: I can save you some time: You won't find shit. He's here, in Perth.

Eddie: Brooooooooo... I can't believe this shit... Now what? What's he up to?

Holly: Same as I... And oh my god, things have been so awesome with him around. We have the best group of friends, and we're having a way better time than ever before.

Eddie: That's so great. I'm happy for you guys... By the way, it's February 14th over there already, ain't it?

Holly: Ehrm... Yeah.

Eddie: So, how's the situation going? Any boyfriend yet?

Holly: No, not really... Gosh, I haven't even thought about it.

Eddie: Well, now is the time to do it. There's gonna be a lot of boys looking for girlfriends today.

Holly: Yeah, I guess... Anyways, I really gotta go to school. See ya.

Eddie: Bye. It was great talking to you.

[Holly logs off, and gets ready to school. She then leaves her room, and runs into Rosa]

Rosa: Who were you talking to?

Holly: Eddie.

Rosa: ... Again?

Holly: Oh, don't worry. I was just giving him an update. I had to tell him Chase was alive.

Rosa: Okay. Are you over Eddie?

Holly: Oh, hell yeah... (checks watch) I gotta go. Chase is waiting for me. Bye, fake mom.

Rosa: Bye.

[Holly leaves. Josh shows up]

Josh: (yawning) What's going on?

Rosa: Holly was talking to Eddie.

Josh: Ugh, I thought she was over him.

Rosa: Oh, she definitely is. I've never been more sure that she just doesn't love him anymore.

Josh: Oh, good. Good for her... To be fair, she's been so happy lately.

Rosa: Yeah. And it's because of that Chase guy... You don't think... Nah, it's gonna sound too crazy.

Josh: Think what? That she's in love with Chase?

Rosa: Oh, you noticed it too? Oh, thank god I'm not crazy.

Josh: You definitely aren't... And this is bad. I don't trust this Chase.

[Meanwhile, Holly is already at White Lightning, with Chase]

Chase: So yeah, the rumor has it that Jeremy and Abby are plotting revenge against me, and they intend to beat me in the school wars.

Holly: There's a school wars here too?

Chase: Oh, yeah... I mean, the challenges are different from the ones of the Red Fire vs East Brissy days. This is White Lightning vs Black Storm.

Holly: What kind of challenges?

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