Act 5: School Wars 6 - The Race

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Scene 1:

More than a month has passed. It's the end of May. Surprisingly, Holly and Chase haven't had the talk yet. Right now, Holly is at home, having breakfast with Rosa and Josh, before she goes on to another school wars.

Rosa: Did you study the map?

Holly: Yep.

Rosa: Did Chase study the map?

Holly: Yep.

Rosa: Can both of you run?

Holly: Duh.

Rosa: Okay, then you're ready.

Josh: And remember: The most important thing here, is to have fun.

Rosa: What? No, it's not. She needs to go there, and win. Fuck participation trophies. I want our girl to come home a big, golden one.

Josh: Rosa, would you please stop trying to force a competitive mindset on Holly?

Holly: I was already born with that, so it's too late.

Rosa: That's the spirit... Now, about Chase.

Holly: (sigh) What about him?

Josh: We just want you to... Well, how do I say this?

Holly: Look, I know you guys don't like Chase.

Josh: No, it's not that.

Rosa: It is. We definitely don't.

Josh: Rosa!

Holly: And that's fine. You don't have to like him. You just have to respect my choices.

Josh: And we do respect your choices.

Rosa: Just... Be careful.

Holly: I am. You guys want me to be happy, right?

Rosa: Obviously.

Josh: You bet.

Holly: Good... Now, if you excuse me, I have a race to win.

[Meanwhile, Chase is also having breakfast in his place, with Leo and Oliana]

Leo: Are you sure you can win?

Chase: Yeah. I have the age advantage, dude. You remember what it was like for your brother and his friend, don't you?

Leo: But this is different, dude. It's a race. A cross country race. It will depend on speed, stamina, energy management, map reading skills, all that shit.

Chase: You don't think I know that?

Oliana: Don't listen to him, Chase. Just relax, and have fun with your little friend.

Chase: ... My little friend?

Oliana: Yeah. That blonde girl. What was her name again? Holly, I think.

Chase: I'm pretty sure she's more that "my little friend".

Leo: Have you talked to her about it?

Chase: ... No.

Leo: Unbelievable, you guys haven't had the talk yet.

Oliana: Yeah. You need to tell her how you feel.

Chase: Look, it's complicated, okay? She's been my friend for a long time. How do I explain to her that I look at her differently now?

Oliana: Bruh, it's easy.

Leo: Yeah. Look at us. You remember us being friends in the East Brissy days, don't you?

Chase: But that's different. You guys were friends for not even a year, and you weren't even that close. Holly has been my best friend for over a decade.

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