Chapter 3

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Bakugou smirked, "Hey Nerd, what are you doing out here?"

Deku walked up to Bakugou, standing next to him, he looked out at the trees like Bakugou was doing before.

Deku leaned on the railing too, "The party was getting to loud," he paused looking at Bakugou then out at the trees again, "and I noticed you were gone, so I thought I'd see if you were outside."

Bakugou's heart skipped a beat as he looked at Deku. The light of the fire flies reflected off of Deku's eyes as he looked up at the stars. The moon light made Deku's freckles stand out more.

Bakugou realized he was staring, his heart started racing as he looked up at the sky.

"This reminds me of the time we snuck out of that birthday party when we were kids, remember?" Bakugou asked Deku, still looking up at the stars.

Deku looked at Bakugou before looking down and smiling, as he spoke he looked at the sky again, "How could I forget? That was one of the best days of my life. That was the first time we really got to look at the stars."

Bakugou smiled, "I was thinking about it before you came outside, that was one of the best days of my life too." Bakugou paused, a little blush formed on his face, "I'm happy I spent that time with you, Deku."

Bakugou looked at Deku, who had been looking at him. They were standing closer then they should have been. Neither realized it until that moment.

Bakugou's eyes trailed down to Deku's lips, as his body shifted to face Deku, Deku did the same. Time seemed to slow down as Bakugou put his hand on Deku's cheek as he leaned in slowly. Bakugou felt Deku's breath on his lips, sending a shiver down his spine.

He closed his eyes as his lips meant Deku's, they were soft and sweet. The feelings Bakugou experienced in that moment was something he had never felt before.

He slowly pulled away, his lips tingled. He didn't completely pull away, and Deku didn't move.

Bakugou kissed him again, the same as the first time but this kiss was longer. He didn't know if it was the effects of the alcohol or what but in this moment, this felt right.

This time he fully pulled away, removing his hand and fully opening his eyes, he looked down to see a pink Deku looking up at him as breathless as he was.

"W-wow," Bakugou breathed out, "Y-yeah" Deku responded, looking at Bakugou's lips again. Bakugou took the hint, and went to kiss Deku again but right before their lips meant the door slammed open.

"Deku!" Uraraka ran over clumsily, she fell onto Deku. "W-we miss you inside." She looked up, "Oh goody Bakugou is out here too. We were also looking for you too. Come back inside. Let's party!" She threw her hands up in the air.

Her drink spilling on the concrete. Deku looked at Bakugou before both boys helped Uraraka inside.

Once they were inside they got separated by their friends. Deku was helping Uraraka to the couches as Bakugou was rubbing Kirishima's back as he threw up.

The party didn't last to long after that, once Mina past out the party was basically over.

Bakugou, Deku, Iida, and Momo were the only ones not completely wasted, Bakugou being the most sobber.

He turned off the music, Iida and Momo now in their rooms because Deku volunteered the two boys to make sure everyone asleep was safe and everything was turned off.

They locked the doors, turned off the lights and got everyone in a decent spot, once everything was taken care of they ended up meeting by the stairs on accident.

"Uh G-Goodnight Kacchan." Deku rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah... goodnight Nerd." They stood there and looked at each other, expecting someone to do something but no one did.

Deku moved his hands a little bit before nodding his head and running up the stairs.

Bakugou waited until he was out of sight before he started to walk up the stairs.

He walked slowly, so slow it was almost painful.

He put his hands in his pockets as he walked, he was tired, sure, but he didn't want to go to his dorm. He didn't want to be alone with his thoughts. He didnt want to think about what had happened and why it felt so good.

He sighed, realizing it was unavoidable, he picked up his pace.

Finally in his dorm he went from the door straight to his bed. It was late for him, to late.

He grabbed his phone from his pocket to check the time, 2 am flashed on the screen.

Groaning he plugged his phone in and laid back on his bed and closed his eyes.

Bakugou opened his eyes to see a dark room. It felt like he had been sleeping forever, when in reality he hadn't slept at all and it had only been 15 minutes.

He was thinking about Deku and the way the kiss felt. I want to kiss him again so bad. That was my first kiss and I dont regret it, even thought it was with Deku.

Bakugou clenched his chest, his heart racing as he relived the fresh memory over and over again in his head.

He suddenly came to the realization that their relationship had changed drastically from this one night, that one action.

What do I do!? We have to talk about it, dont we? Why would he kiss me back? Why did I kiss him? Was he drunk, did I take advantage of Deku!? Was it just the heat of the moment!?

Bakugou turned and looked at his phone. He had a text notification from Deku, the text was new too. Bakugou smiled as he opened it.

Deku: Hey are you awake?

Bakugou: Yeah

Deku: I didn't wake you did I?

Bakugou: No, I cant sleep.

Deku: Me either

Bakugou: Why cant you?

Deku: I have a lot on my mind. Why cant you?

Bakugou: I have a lot on my mind too

Deku: Like what?

Bakugou: You

Deku: I'm thinking about you too

Bakugou smiled as his heart started to race again.

Bakugou: Oh really? What about me?

Deku: You know what Kacchan, I'm starting to feel pretty tired now.

Bakugou laughed, Deku was obviously avoiding his question, but it was late and he didn't want to tease him.

Bakugou: Goodnight Nerd, sleep well

Deku: Goodnight Kacchan :)

Bakugou turned his phone off and put it back down. He smiled, blushing to himself. Whatever was happening, he didn't hate it. Now feeling tired again, he closed his eyes. This was one hell of a night.

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