Chapter 6

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A few hours after they burned though all of Denki's weed they were all on the ground when Deku's phone rang.

"Woah... Do you guys hear that?" Deku giggled, Bakugou started to play the drums on his stomach with one hand, "It's your phone Deku."

Deku looked down at Bakugou's hand before grabbing it and playfully biting on the side.

"What are you doing Deku?" Deku giggled before turning his head to look at Bakugou, "I'm eating you."

Bakugou didn't say anything. Oh god, please stop testing my limits. I want to touch this boy with every fiber of my being.

Denki sat up, "Deku wasn't your phone ringing?" Deku laughed, "Was it? I cant remember."

"Look at it," Sero said, so Deku removed Bakugou's hand from his mouth and laced his fingers around the back of Bakugou's hand.

Deku got his phone out to see an announcement from Aizawa Sensei reading, 'Everyone to the common room. Now.'

Deku laughed, "We are so fucked." Everyone was surprised by his choice of words. Mina asking, "What's wrong Deku?" Deku smirked, "Aizawa Sensei wants to see us right now and we are all high as hell."

Bakugou, Kirishima, Jiro, and Shinso shot up. "Fuck. Denki get the eye drops. Everyone sobber up. Someone open the windows and spray shit. We are so fucked." Bakugou said, getting up to hide the stuff.

Everyone started to run around Denki's room in chaos. Eye drops were handed out, windows were opened, Jiro was faning the room out, while Kirishima was spraying stuff everywhere.

"Come on." Bakugou said opening the door, they all ran downstairs, hoping they wouldn't get caught.

"... for the class. How could you allow a party to take place?" Bakugou's classmates were all on there knees while Aizawa Sensei was standing over them.

He was half heartedly scolding Iida. He looked up, instantly noticing the drugged out teens. Sighing he pinched the bridge of his nose, he dismissed the kids in the room.

"Get in here. Now." The teens walked into the room and sat on the floor, under Aizawa Sensei.

"Who's idea was it?" No one responded, "The party. Now. Confess and you all wont be in as much trouble for doing drugs."

Everyone tensed. Shit. Denki is already in trouble at home... "It-" "It was my idea!" Deku shouted, squeezing his eyes shut. "I just wanted to celebrate the end of the year and the party got a little out of hand, I'm sorry." "N-" "It was my idea."

Denki tried to intervene but Deku wouldn't let him. Aizawa sighed, "Very well Midoriya. You have two days of detention."

Aizawa turned to everyone else, "Actually, everyone has detention for the next week, and Midoriya I want you to stay after tomorrow for a talk. Since its summer I wont report this incident but you know what you did wrong. See you at 3 pm tomorrow."

Aizawa Sensei walked out of the dorms. Everyone instantly turned to Deku, "You didn't have to do that for me Deku!" Denki jumped on him, hugging him closely.

Bakugou got a little jealous, no actually he was getting really jealous.

"Hands off Denki." Deku looked at Bakugou and smiled, "He's alright." Denki squeezed Deku, Bakugou growled but no one cared.

"Why did you do that Midobro?" Deku looked at Kirishima, "Well Denki gets in trouble a lot and Mina looks rather upset so I didn't want you guys to get in trouble."

"Thank you Deku!" Mina and Denki said in unison, Deku smiled.

"No problem."


Nothing to eventful happened the rest of the day, and now we are in detention.

"No talking. I'll be in the next room and I'll tell you when you can leave."

Bakugou 'tsked', Aizawa took their phones away so they had nothing to do.

After about 20 minutes Deku tapped on Bakugou's shoulder, handing him a pencil and a paper.

Bakugou took the paper confused at first, then he smiled when he read 'Hi Kacchan.' Bakugou, now a little pink, wrote 'Hey Nerd' on it before giving it back to Deku.

They handed the paper back and forth multiple times, smiling everytime they got the paper back.

D is for Deku and B is for Bakugou

'Kacchan I'm bored' -D

'I am too Nerd' -B

'What should we talk about?' -D

'What are you going to do when you get out of here?' -B

'Probably nothing, how about you?' -D

'Wait for you to get out.' -B

Deku blushed red and giggled a little bit.

'You are so cute Kacchan. I can't believe I didn't really realize till the night we kissed.' -D

Bakugou blushed again, a huge smile on his face.

'You are pretty cute too Nerd, I really like kissing you.' -B

'I like kissing you too Kacchan.' -D

A new piece of paper flew onto Bakugou's desk, he looked up to see Kirishima and Denki looked at him.

He opened the paper, 'Are you two dating?'

Bakugou looked up and shook his head. Kirishima and Denki looked at him shocked, then Kirishiman shook his head up and down.(like hes telling him to ask him out.) Bakugou nodded his head yes, as an okay I will type of thing.

He crumbles up the paper Kirishima threw and put it in his pocket.


Bakugou and Deku continued to flirt on paper for the rest of detention, they were in there for two hours.

Well, everyone expect Deku. Deku had to stay.

Bakugou ended up waiting for Deku in the hallway. He put his headphones in, looking threw Instagram.

About a half an hour later Deku came out a little sad.

"Hey Kacchan! I didn't know you were going to sit out here and wait for me." Deku blushed and smiled.

Bakugou put his hand on Deku's shoulder, he leaned down and kissed Deku on the cheek.

"Let's go to my room, we have a lot to talk about." Bakugou reached his hand back for Deku to grab.

Deku did so happily, nothing else was said. They just walked hand in hand back to Bakugou's dorm.

Aizawa heard the interaction and watched them walk down the hallway. A small smile on his face, wow, that's something you dont see everyday.

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