Chapter 5

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Character behavior will be a little different in this chapter. They are going to act like teenagers more is all.

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It was around the middle of the day now, Momo ended up making salad for lunch and Bakugou was grateful that she made it for everyone.

Bakugou was sitting on the couch by himself reading a book on his phone when he got a text from a new groupchat on Snapchat.

Kool Kids
Denki is typing...

Bakugou cringed at the groupchat name but clicked it anyways.

Denki, Shinso, Jiro, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and now Deku's bitmojis popped up.

Denki: Yall wanna vape in my room? This day is kinda boring ngl. We could play like truth or dare or some shit

Jiro: I'm down. I'm not doing anything anyway

Mina: Sounds fun but I'm in a game with Todoroki right now, so next time.

Mina left the groupchat

Denki: damn

Kirishima: I'll be there

Sero: I'm playing the game with Mina and Todoroki so I'm gonna have to pass

Sero left the groupchat

Denki: okayyyyy so how about you guys, Bakugou, Shinso, Deku?

Shinso: Denki I am already in your room with you.

Deku: yeah I'll be there too

Bakugou: I guess

Denki: cool. Come to my room now

Bakugou was surprised Deku agreed so easily, it was kind of hot to him; how he was down to do stuff like this.

Bakugou would be upset if he did it consistently but with Denki a few times is alright.

Now the Bakusquad did it more than they should and Bakugou would be lieing if he said he didnt miss the way it tastes.

Bakugou got up off the couch, put his hands in his pockets and walked to the elevator, he ended up riding it with Jiro. He couldn't help but wonder where Deku was.

Speaking of Deku, Iida ended up stopping him to ask him where he was going and if he wanted to play Uno with him and Uraraka.

Deku got to Denki's room last, everyone was in a circle on the group waiting for him.

He ended up sitting next to Bakugou and Denki.

Bakugou ended up asking Deku what took him so long and he explained. Then Denki got his vapes out of his draw, he hit both.

Holding the blue one up, "This is is watermelon." Then he held up the green one, "and this one Cotton Candy."

Kirishima took the Cotton Candy one, hit it and made a gross face, "I dont understand why you like these ones, they are so sweet." Denki just shrugging, hitting the watermelon one again before giving it to Deku.

Deku took it nervously, he looked at Bakugou embarrassed, he leaned closer to him and whispered, "Do I just put my mouth on it and inhale?"

Bakugou nodded, "you have to exhale a little while after, dont hold it in your lungs to long." Deku nodded and took the hit, exhaling after a little bit.

He stuck his tongue out, grossed out. "Ew it taste bad." Bakugou took the vape, looking Deku in the eye he took a large hit and exhaled the smoke, making it a circle.

"You'll get used to it and you'll like it." Deku looked at him amazed, "That was so cool Kacchan, do you do this a lot?" Shinso answered, "They do it more then they should. They do other shit to."

Deku looked at him curiously, "Like what?" Bakugou spoke, "Dunce Face get the good shit out. Let's get shit faced."

Denki smirked and got his bong and weed out of a box under the bed. "Damn, I didn't know you did that Denki." Jiro laughed, "Don't snitch, anyone."

"Get the paper, I'm gonna roll one for Deku and I." Denki raised an eyebrow at Bakugou before he understood. Bakugou was trying to impress Deku.

"Shit man you aren't joking." Denki looked at everyone, "Ready to get high as fuck?"

"Hell yeah, we haven't done this in a while. We need to get Sero and Mina up here." Kirishima said taking out his phone.

He called Mina, "Hey." "Get up here, bring Sero." "Bakubro wants to get shit faced, that's why." "Okay but its Bakubro that wants to do it, plus we don't know how Deku and Shinso are high and Jiro is with us this time." "Come onnnnnn Bakubro is rolling blunts." "Yeah I know, hes the best at it." "Great! Get your asses up here."

Kirishima ended the call, "What should we tell the others? They are gonna wonder where we are." Jiro pointed out, "I'll text Iida and tell him we are helping Denki clean his room." Deku said, damn. They'll believe that too.

"I didn't know you were a little liar Deku," Bakugou teased him, Deku blushed about to respond when Mina and Sero barged in.

"Dont be stupid, lock the door." Denki instructed, Mina turned around and locked it and they joined the circle.

Denki was setting up the bong while Bakugou was showing Deku how to roll blunts.

A little while later they were all hot boxing Denki's room. Bakugou made a blunt for Mina, Jiro, and Sero, then him and Deku shared one. Kirishima, Shinso and Denki were hitting the bong.

A little while later, when everyone was high as fuck, Denki and Shinso were in the corner sharing a joint; being touchy feely.

Jiro and Kirishima were laughing there heads off at nothing. Mina was on Sero's lap sharing a joint. Then Bakugou was on Denki's bed, leaning against the head board, with Deku laying against him.

They were laughing together while Deku was touching Bakugou's chest. Bakugou's heart started to race again as he wrapped his arm around Deku's back.

"Kacchan your eyes are soooooo... red." Deku booped his nose and started to laugh, Bakugou snickering as he touched Deku's face.

"Your freckles are so... freckly." Bakugou smiled, Deku put his thumb on Bakugou's lips next. "Your lips are so... soft." Bakugou's breath hicked, he came back to his senses a little bit and  pulled Deku closer.

Before Bakugou could do anything Deku pounced on him. He kissed Bakugou passionately, Bakugou kissed back of course.

They kissed for a while, Deku touching Bakugou's chest and arm, while Bakugou squeezed Deku's waist and ass.

Their lips moved together; pulling away for short breaths. Deku put his hand on Bakugou's face when he pulled away slightly, his breath tickled Bakugou's lips.

Deku moved down and started to kiss Bakugou's throat, Bakugou was shocked but he loved it. Smirking Bakugou squeezed Deku's ass, causing him to gasp.

They looked at each other with their blood shot eyes. Bakugou got up and got another joint. God he is so hot.

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