Chapter 8

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*After the date in Bakugou's room*
*Smut warning*

Bakugou was laying on his bed, Deku cuddling up to his chest. Bakugou was playing with his hair and rubbing his back.

They just had dinner at the Diner, nothing special happened, it was just a nice calm first date.

Deku sat up, "What's wrong?" Deku blushed, "N-nothing, I just want to sit up."

Bakugou sat up too, looking at Deku, hugging his legs to his chest.

Bakugou put his hand on Deku's knee, "Are you okay?" Deku looked at Bakugou, bright red. "Yes I just need a second."

That's when Bakugou say it, Deku was hard. He smirked, pulling Deku's legs apart, exposing Deku to himself.

"K-Kacchan! Stop it!" Bakugou smirked at Deku, "Where you thinking about dirty things Deku? Is that why you are hard?" Deku blushed harder, if that was even possible, "W-well I couldn't help it, we were cuddling and I was pressed up on top of you so my mind wondered a little bit and I got into a dirty mind set and then I got hard."

Deku was slightly mumbling, Bakugou started to slip his hand down Deku's leg, getting closer and closer to Deku's dick.

Bakugou and Deku's breath both caught in their throats as Bakugou watched Deku watching his hand.

Bakugou stopped on the inside if his thigh, when Deku looked at him, he leaned in kissing him.

"How do you want to take care of your little problem?"

Deku started to think before looking to the side, "W-well I think it would be p-pretty hot if we g-grind on each other, b-but I want you t-to touch me first p-please."

Bakugou kissed him again, "Can I take your pants off?" Deku shook his head yes, another kiss, "Underwear?"

Deku pulled away from him, "N-not yet." Bakugou nodded his head.

He tugged on Deku's shirt, Deku allowed him to take his shirt off, then his pants.

Bakugou looked Deku up and down, then Bakugou stripped himself to his underwear.

He was hard now, Deku looked him up and down before touching his chest.

"H-hot." Deku swallowed. "Its about to get hotter." Bakugou kissed Deku again before running circles around Deku's dick with his finger.

Deku moaned against Bakugou's lips, Bakugou smirked. He took his finger and run it up and down Deku's dick, teasing him. "Ahh K-Kacchan."

Bakugou moved over and pushed Deku down on the bed, he started to kiss Deku's inner thigh, down to his dick.

He kissed Deku's tip threw his underwear, then licked his dick. "Ahh ahh K-Kacchan p-please s-start."

Bakugou got up, now his hand were on both sides of Deku's head. He lined his dick up with Deku's and slowly; softly started to grind.

They were barely touching but Bakugou was feeling really good, Deku was a mess under him.

"Kacchan stop teasing." Deku grabbed Bakugou's shoulder, pulling him down.

Bakugou pushed on Deku's dick, hard, causing him to moan. Not a high pitched moan, it was a low husky moan.

Bakugou got really turned on by that noise, his dick twitched. Deku was so lost in ecstasy he was just waiting for Bakugou to move, with he did.

He rocked his hips up and down on Deku. Deku was a moaning mess, "ah ah f-f-faster Kacchan."

Bakugou went faster and harder.

Deku pushed his hips up into Bakugou, Bakugou grunted, he sat up, grabbing Deku's hips.

Bakugou leaned back on his arm, Deku now on top of his lap.

Deku put his arms around Bakugou's neck as he started to grin against Bakugou again.

He was moaning in Bakugou's ear. Bakugou bucked his hips into Deku, his hand on Deku's ass, holding him close.

Bakugou threw his head back. "Faster Deku, go faster."

Deku put his hands on Bakugou's shoulders, falling back, he continued to grind on Bakugou more.

Bakugou sat up, putting one hand behind Deku's back so he wouldn't fall.

He took their dicks out and started to pump them, fast. "T-this is alright, r-right?" Bakugou asked breathless.

Deku's eyes were rolled back, he was bucking his hips into Bakugou's hand, "y-yes."

"I-I'm close Kacchan." "M-me too, cum for me baby." Deku's body jolted, he came, a lot.

Bakugou following him, he slowed down his pace but didn't stop until Deku told him too.

"Ah s-sorry for cumming on your hand." Deku said shyly, but Bakugou smirked. Licking the cum off his hand while staring at Deku, dead in the eye.

Deku's eyes widened and he blushed harder, "K-ka-" "You taste so good Nerd." Bakugou kissed Deku's cheek.

Bakugou pulled Deku onto his lap. "Well that was unexpected." Bakugou smiled, Deku looked down shyly, "S-sorry." "Don't be sorry, you are so hot."

Bakugou kissed behind Deku's ear, more on his neck. "K-Kacchan." Bakugou looked at him, Deku put his hands on Bakugou's face and pulled him into an open mouth kiss, sticking his tongue in Bakugou's mouth.

Bakugou moaned slightly before wrapping his hands around Deku, their tongues danced together. The kiss quickly grew sloppy, neither of them fully understanding what to do.

Deku pulled away, "Everything feels so right with you." Bakugou hummed before sticking his tongue in Deku's mouth again. Deku smiled, causing Bakugou to smile, but he never took his tongue out of Deku's mouth.

Deku moaned and started to press himself against Bakugou again. Bakugou put his hands on Deku's ass, squeezing harshly and pulling him closer.

Their dicks started to get hard against each other. Bakugou pulled away, breathless. He looked down, then up to Deku's eyes. "Again?" Deku nodded.

Bakugou growled, smirking, "Horny Nerd." Deku blushed, starting to grind against him, "Only for you."

Bakugou, still smirking, stopping Deku's grinding and started to jerk him off instead.

Bakugou watched all of Deku's expressions. Deku was moaning a lot while Bakugou jerked him off, fast.

"Come on, cum for me Izuku." Deku's moaned louder as he reached his climax for the second time.

He didn't cum as much the second time but after he did, Bakugou licked up his cum off of his hand and Deku's stomach. He did kitten licks of Deku's tip, causing him to shiver.

"K-Kacchan what about you?" Bakugou smirked, "Jerk me off," while he said that he leaned back. Deku was still on his lap while he looked down at Bakugou's bulge.

"O-okay." Deku slowly removed Bakugou's underwear, his dick popping out.

Deku wrapped his hand around it, starting to pump him.

"Faster Nerd." Deku went faster, Bakugou threw his head back, moaning. "F-fuck Deku, l-lick it for me."

Deku did as told, putting his tongue on Bakugou's tip. "Y-yes, just like that." Breathless Bakugou was growing closer, "I-Im close," he warned but Deku didn't move.

He came with a grunt. His cum went on Deku's tongue, Bakugou watched him swallow it. The sight could make Bakugou hard again, "Fuck Deku. That was so hot." "Y-yeah, it was."

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