Chapter 7

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The two boys were now sitting in Bakugou's room. They were on his bed, sitting up against the wall.

"Okay I'd say it's pretty obvious we like each other." Deku blushed, nodding his head in agreement.

Bakugou took Deku's hand in his own, rubbing his thumb up and down the back of Deku's hand.

"I've never kissed anyone before you, but I can tell no one would be the same as kissing you. I never thought I would be saying this but be my boyfriend Izuku, you make me so happy."

Deku smiled, teary eyed, "I'd love to Kacchan. I dont want to be with anyone else."

Deku jumped into Bakugou's lap, wrapping his arms around his neck. Bakugou put his hand on his back, holding him close.

Both boys smiling like crazy, "I didn't even know I liked you Kacchan. I mean, I've always noticed you but I never thought I'd be your boyfriend."

Bakugou squeezed him a little bit, "I'm the same way. I want to give you the world."

Deku pulled back and looked Bakugou in the eyes, kissing him and pulling away again, "You are going to be the best boyfriend."


The boys ended up cuddling and falling asleep in Bakugou's dorm together.

It's now the next day and Bakugou decided to fill in his friends on what happened with Deku.

Deku was doing the same.

The Bakusquad was in Mina's room. Everyone was sitting on the bed, kind of cuddling but in a friendly way.

"Spill the tea Bakugou, what's going on with you and Deku?" Mina asked as she put her arm down on Sero's leg.

"Okay well it started with the party. I stepped out 'cause I was getting annoyed. Then Deku came outside, we talked about a memory from when we were little and then we kisses," he paused, "a few times, but a drunk Uraraka came out and interrupted us."

"No way!" Denki continued, "I knew it! Damn it! Here is your 20 Kirishima." Kirishima smiled at him, taking the money. Bakugou just looked at them annoyed, "You placed a bet on us? Shit. I didn't even know I wanted to kiss him till that night."

Sero laughed, "You guys had undeniable tension, it wasn't necessarily sexual tension but it was obvious you guys were more than friends."

"You really think so?" "Oh yeah, everyone saw it. I'm surprised you didnt know." Mina was staring at Bakugou, "Okay you told us about the kiss but when did you ask him out."

"Yesterday, in my room." Mina's face dropped, "Oh wow Bakugou you are so romantic." Bakugou just shrugged and turned to Denki.

"When did you and Brainwasher start dating?" Denki blushed, "Oh, he asked me out the day after the party." Bakugou smirked at him, "Good job, you've liked him for a couple months now, right?" "Yeah."

"Mina, Sero, are you two dating?" Kirishima asked, Sero smiled and Mina burst out laughing. The three boys sat confused, "Oh my god! I'm a lesbian, and I like Uraraka."

She put her hand on Sero's chest, "We just flirt with each other." Sero nodded, "I actually have a crush on someone though. I just don't think he likes me back."

Everyone was intrigued, waiting for him to continue. He looked at everyone confused, "What? I'm not telling you."

Bakugou didn't really care, he was just happy his friends were doing alright. Not that he'd ever admit that though.

Bakugou's phone buzzed, checking it, it was from Deku. Smiling he opened the text.

Deku: Hey Kacchan

Bakugou: What's up?

Deku: Can we go to dinner tonight?

Bakugou: Of course babe

Deku: Kacchan! >/////<

Bakugou: Meet me in the common room at 5 <3

Deku: Okay!

Deku: Baby >/////<

Bakugou laughed out loud a little bit. "Bakugou is happy." Denki said, "Not as snappy and angry," he pushed. Bakugou snapped his head at him, "dont push it Dunce Face."

"I have to leave, Deku and I have a date." Bakugou said getting up, "Oooooo go get your mans!" Mina cheered, Bakugou scoffed before leaving.

It was about 4:30 so Bakugou had a little bit of time to get ready.

Once he was in his room he started to get nervous, it was their first date after all.

He looked threw his closet multiple times, only to get angry, thinking he has nothing good to wear.

After about 20 minutes he decided on a black, turtle neck tank top and a pair of dark green cargo pants, with black boots.

He got his things and left the room.

In the common room, around 4:50, Deku walked up to Bakugou.

Bakugou was star struck, Deku had a short pair of black ripped jeans shorts on, with a white and red crop top, and of course his red shoes.

He was blushing, "K-Kacchan stop staring." Bakugou put his hand on Deku's waist, "How can I when you look like that?" He kissed Deku's forehead before holding his hand and walking out of the common room.

"Where do you want to go Babe?" Bakugou looked at Deku, he was progressively getting more red before hugging up against Bakugou's arm.

"C-can w-we go to the Diner?" Bakugou squeezed his hand, "If that's what you want." "Kacchan, not that I'm complaining, but why are you being so nice?"

Bakugou slumped over a little bit, "I feel horrible for how I used to treat you." Deku giggled, leaving Bakugou confused, "What?"

Deku stopped walking and looked at Bakugou in the eyes, "Dont feel bad, in a weird way I'm grateful to you for being that way."

Bakugou hugged Deku, relaxing. "I'm forgiven then?" Deku shook his head yes against Bakugou's chest.

Bakugou sighed, squeezing him hard for a second before starting to walk hand in hand again.

"I've been really happy the last few days," Bakugou paused, "because of you Deku. I've never felt this way before."

"Me neither Kacchan, these feelings developed so fast, do you think maybe we just had them bottled up and our kiss released them, in a way?"

Bakugou thought for a second, "It could be, I mean we've been together for our whole lives now."

"You dont see as explosive now Kacchan." Deku giggled at his choice of words, Bakugou scoffed, "Watch it Nerd, or I'll tickle you when we get back."

Deku laughed, Bakugou smiled, he loved that sound. He felt at home with Deku now. It's crazy what one little kiss can do to someone, or maybe it wasnt the kiss, maybe it was the person.

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