Chapter 1

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I dont understand why I'm having such a hard time finding a good plot but I am. I know it sucks that this story has started over twice now but I'm working on it.

Remember if you like the chapter to vote, that shows me your enjoying the plot. Thanks!


It was the last day of class. Aizawa Sensei had asked the class a few days ago if they wanted to stay in the dorms over break or not and everyone agreed too.

Now this probably doesnt seem that important but Mina had made a groupchat with the class and she wants to do something every night but she wasnt told the class what tonight's plan is yet.

Since it was the last day, Aizawa Sensei let the class do whatever they wanted the last hour of class since there was nothing to do.

Bakugou was scrolling threw Instagram when the groupchat started to blow up. He sighed and opened it.

Mina: Hey guys!

Denki: Hello

Todoroki: Hello. Why are we talking on here when we are all in the same room?

Deku: Hi! I was wondering the same thing.

Mina: What I have to tell you is a secret, it was Denki's idea.

Denki: Ohhhh I know what you are talking about.

Bakugou: Just get to the point Pinky

Uraraka: Why doesnt Denki tell us if it's his idea?

Kirishima: Denki's sent text messages go straight to his mom, he won't tell us what he did though.

Shinso: Probably something perverted

Sero: I bet that's it

Denki: Mina just tell them please

Mina: Ok ok

Mina: We are having a secret party tonight starting at 11!

Deku: A party? Where is it at?

Mina: The dorms

Bakugou: That's a great location for a secret party.

Todoroki: Definitely Denki's idea

Denki: Hey!

Kirishima: That came from Todoroki too

Mina: Just come, itll be a lot of fun

Jiro: I'll cover music

Kirishima: I'll get drinks

Tsu: I'll get snacks

Iida: I'll make sure there is no alcohol

Denki: Boring

Sero: One night of alcohol wont do any harm as long as we all stay in the dorms

Todoroki: The bell is going to ring soon

Deku: Ahh! Your right! Ttyl

Uraraka: Bye!

Mina: remember tonight at 11! Every better be there. Bakugou.

Bakugou: whatever. Better not be lame Pinky.

Bakugou put his phone away, and Deku tapped on his shoulder. Annoyed Bakugou turned around, "What!?" Deku sat back in his chair and started to fiddle with his fingers, "U-uh um I was wondering if you had a phone charger on you, I was going to set my stuff down in the dorms and go for a run before I went to my room and my phone is almost dead."

Bakugou glared at Deku before digging in his bag. He handed Deku the charger. "Bring it to my dorm when you are done with it." Deku smiled grabbing the charger, "Thank you Kacchan! You're a life saver!"

"Whatever Nerd." The bell finally rang and Bakugou stood up and started to leave when Kirishima ran up to him, Denki on his tail.

"Hey Bakubro!" Kirishima threw his arm over Bakugou's shoulder. Bakugou tried to shrug him off but it didnt work. "Hi Shitty Hair. What do you want?"

"We were just checking up on you." He looked at Denki. "That's right Kacchan." Bakugou snapped his head at Denki, "Dont call me that Dunce Face."

Denki made the :3 face, "Ohhh~ did I hit a nerve Kacchan." Bakugou started to make explosions. "What did you said Dunce Face!?"

Mina ran up to them, "Hey guys!" "Hi Mina!" Kirishima waved with the arm that was on Bakugou, now putting it down by his side. Bakugou was relieved that he was free from Kirishima.

"Are you all excited for the party tonight??" Mina bounced up and down on her feet. Denki smirked, "I am." Bakugou gave him a weird look, "what are you planning Denki?"

Denki's face dropped, "nothing!" Denki ran off after that, causing the extras to follow him. Bakugou was now alone. Happily he put his headphones in and walked back to the dorms in peace.

Once he got into the dorms he went into the kitchen and made a small snack. He sat down at one of the tables in the dorms eating his snack and scrolling threw Twitter this time.

His peace was short lived though when Todoroki came up to him and pulled out one of his headphone.

Bakugou turned around pissed, "What the fuck- Oh it's just you Icy Hot." Bakugou continued to eat his snack.

"You need to move. We need to move the tables." Bakugou scoffed. "The party doesn't start till 11. Its 4. Why the fuck do you have to bother me when I'm not going to be here for that long."

Todoroki just looked at Bakugou. "What Icy Hot?" "Not that it's any of your business but Uraraka, Tsu, Midoriya, and I are going to do yoga here and I was ordered to move this table over."

"Tsk, why the fuck are you doing yoga?" Bakugou made a disgusted face at Todoroki, "Uraraka said it would improve our balance."

Bakugou didn't say anything he just got up for Todoroki. Todoroki nodded at him in gratitude.

Bakugou put his head phone back in and took his snack to the couches.

Not even 5 minutes later Iida came in, "Bakugou do not eat on the couches. Use the tables for that." Bakugou looked up at Iida, who was doing robot hands, furiously.

Bakugou looked Iida dead in the eye and blew up his plate, then got up and left as Iida yelled at him for using his quirk in the dorms.

Todoroki, Uraraka, Tsu, and Deku watched him leave. Deku was worried, "Do you think he'll be okay?" Uraraka looked at him, "Yeah I just think he wants to be left alone." Deku nodded and they went back to do yoga.

Bakugou sighed in relief as he fell on his bed. I should probably take a nap. Stupid extras making me go to a party that late.

Bakugou changed into some comfy clothes, turned off his music and went to plug in his phone when he remembered Deku had his charger.

"Tsk fucking Nerd." Bakugou sat on his bed and opened his contacts. The phone rang a total of two times before Deku picked up, "Hey Kacchan!" "Nerd." "Y-yes Kacchan?" "I need my charger." "Oh! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Kacchan I'll bring it to your dorm right away!"

Deku started to mumble and talk to his friends, still on the phone with Bakugou. Bakugou hung up on him, he checked the time, it was about 5. How am I going to go to this party when it's not even 5 and I'm already tired of these extras!?

A few minutes later Deku was at the door. Bakugou opened the door, Deku looked at him. A small silence fell over the two as Bakugou leaned on the door frame and crossed his arms.

"Well?" Deku jumped at his voice, "R-right, sorry! Here you go!" He handed Bakugou the charger and Bakugou went to shut the door instantly but Deku stopped him.

"W-wait." Bakugou looked at Deku, "I don't know how you feel about the party, but it wouldn't be the same without you Kacchan. So please come." Bakugou was taken back by his words but he'd never let someone like Deku know that, "I'll be there Nerd. Now get lost."

Deku smiled before walking away. Bakugou shut the door, plugged his phone in and took a nap.

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