Chapter 2

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Bakugou woke up around 10 by knocks on his door. He turned over and looked at his phone; checking the time.

Damn it. I was hoping I'd 'accidentally' sleep threw the fucking party.

The knocks got louder, "Bakubro!" Bakugou tsked before getting up and opening the door. "What!?" "Here, we brought you dinner, we figured you didnt eat much since you weren't in the common room."

Mina popped out from behind Kirishima, waving as she handed Bakugou a bottle of water. Bakugou looked down at the tray Kirishima had, it had Katsudon on it.

Bakugou smiled at his friends, but didn't say anything. Mina took the hint, "Right, we'll leave you to eat. See you in a little bit!"

After Bakugou took the tray Mina grabbed Kirishima's arm and dragged him away.

Bakugou watched them walk away before shutting the door and walking to set his tray on his desk, and he sat down to enjoy his meal.

When he finished he decided to change into more appropriate clothes for a party and he brushed his teeth.

It was about 10:30 when Bakugou was finished and had nothing to do, so he took his tray down stairs.

Music was already blaring, lights were out with random spotlights everywhere already. Only a few people were in the common room.

Mina, Kirishima and Denki were by the punch bowl while Uraraka and Tsu were talking in the middle of the common room.

"Tsk." Bakugou made an annoyed face. He put his tray in the dish washer and he was walking back upstairs when Kirishima walked over to him.

"Hey where are you going Bakubro? The party is about to start." Bakugou rolled his eyes, "This party already sucks. I'm going to my room."

Kirishima grabbed Bakugou's arm and got him a glass of punch, "Take a drink and loosen up. This is supposed to be a fun night for the class." Bakugou rolled his eyes before walking to the couches.

Momo was the next to come down stairs, Bakugou overheard her apologizing to Mina for not responding on the groupchat. He didn't care enough to listen to the rest of their conversation. He say down, sipping on his drink.

Minutes later most of the class was down stairs. Bakugou just looked around at everyone. Mina, Jiro, Tsu, Uraraka and Momo were dancing. Kirishima, Denki, and Sero were talking in the corner. Deku, Iida, and Todoroki were also talking. Shinso was standing in the corner looking at his phone.

Denki started to walk over to Shinso though. Bakugou lost interest in watching everyone, he got up and got more punch. He noticed that everyone had a drink in there hand, not that he cared but he thought it was a little odd.

The party has now been going on for about two hours. Mina and Uraraka were dancing on tables. Kirishima and Sero were seeing who could drink the most punch. Shinso and Denki were making out in the corner. Momo, Tsu, and Jiro were dancing and singing. Todoroki and Deku were hyping Mina and Uraraka up while Iida was yelling at Uraraka and Mina to get down.

Bakugou was watching everyone still. He wasn't by himself the whole time, Kirishima and Denki did bother him a lot but they got distracted.

He didn't mind being alone, he preferred to watch everyone make a fool of themselves.

Mina suddenly tripped and fell off the table, she landed on her butt but started laughing. She stood up and yelled, "Woooah! Everyone come to the couches, come come, let's play a game." She made big gestures when Bakugou finally understand what was going on.

Why he was feeling a little light headed and lost, they spiked the punch. Honestly, he felt a little stupid because of how long it took him to realize that.

He smirked, following everyone to the couches. He ended up sitting next to Deku by accident.

Once everyone was settled in Mina spoke again, "Okayyyyyy, we should all play spin the bottle." She bent over herself as she fell off the arm of the couch into Sero's lap.

Laughing she got a bottle from behind the couch. How? No one knows. She put it in the middle and spun it.

The bottle landed on Uraraka, Mina got up and walked over to her, they kissed for a while before they pulled away laughing.

Bakugou wasn't really interested in the game. He wasn't actually playing, Todoroki was sat underneath him so if the bottle did land on him, Todoroki went.

Bakugou paid attention for a few rounds, like when Todoroki and Kirishima kissed, Tsu and Jiro, Momo and Iida.

He quickly got bored, everyone was laughing but he wasn't having fun. The loud music was hurting his head and the effects of the punch were kicking in more.

The room was getting to hot and Bakugou had to get fresh air. When everyone was caught up in the game he snuck outside.

Stepping outside he took a deep breath, the warm night air calmed him down.

Parties definitely weren't Bakugou's scene. He did not want to go at all but he knew it would be easier to give in then have his extras bug him all afternoon about it.

He walked over the the railing and leaned over it, listening to the bugs make noise and watching the fireflies light up the outside.

He smiled to himself, he'd never admit it but he was glad everyone was having such a good time, even if they'd regret it in the morning.

The party might not be fun for him but this part was, the fresh air helped to clear his head, luckily he only had two cups of punch so he wasn't drunk, at best tipsy.

Crashing and screaming could be heard from inside, followed by a lot of laughter. Bakugou laughed a little at his classmates recklessness.

He got lost in his thoughts. Just staring at the trees, he wasn't thinking about anything in particular when he remembered a memory from his childhood.

He remember being at a friends birthday party when he stepped outside, Deku followed him out. They ended up going to the park and watching the stars all night. Sure they were scolded for it later on but that was one of Bakugou's most treasured memories.

Bakugou was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the door open, he turned around, "Kacchan?"

Speak of the devil.

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