Chapter 9

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It's been a couple months since the boys started dating. Class has started up again. Nothing really special has happened since their first date.

Tonight Bakugou had special plans though. He was going to take Deku out on a special date.

It's been 4 months, today, since their first kiss. They moved into the relationship really fast, but they haven't said 'I love you' yet, or gone all the way.

They did tell the class, well, not so much tell them as show them. Then they had dinner with their parents about a month into their relationship.

Both sets of parents were very happy, Bakugou and Deku both got lots of hugs and kisses that night.

Right now Bakugou is hanging out with his friends, telling them about his plans. "... and that's it." "Wow Bakugou that sounds really nice, I didn't know you had it in you!"

Mina teased, Bakugou smiled at her, "I'm really nervous to be honest." "Why?" Kirishima questioned, obviously puzzled. "I don't know, is it to soon?" Denki grunted, "Yeah it's to early, it's not like you guys have done anything over the top before."

Denki joked, "Dont be an ass Denki, Bakugou is stressing." Sero said, "I was joking! You know that Bakugou!"

Bakugou grunted, "I know Dunce Face."


Bakugou was getting ready to go. "Oh god. I'm so nervous." He had on a dark red, long sleeve button up, with black jeans and black dress shoes.

He took a deep breath before stepping out of his room, walking to the common room.

"Hey baby." Bakugou snaked his arm around Deku's waist and kissed the side of his head when they meant up in the common room.

Deku put his hand on Bakugou's chest, "Hi babe, gimme a proper kiss." Bakugou smiled before giving him a peck on the lips.

"Ready to go?" Bakugou looked Deku up and down. He was in a dark green turtle neck sweater, black jeans and black dress shoes. Yes, he wore different shoes for this date.

"Yes I'm so excited," he bounced up and down on his feet, smiling up at Bakugou, "but where are we going?"

Bakugou kissed Deku's forehead, "Its a secret, just follow me." Deku nodded.

They walked hand in hand to the mall.

Deku was a little confused but he didn't ask questions.

Once they got into the mall Bakugou turned to Deku, "Let's go get you some new All Might merch." Deku's eyes lit up, "Really Kacchan?!" Bakugou smiled, "Of course baby, I'll pay."

Deku hugged Bakugou real quick before running off to the store. Once Bakugou got there he watched Deku, it was like watching a ball of energy bounce around a box.

He looked threw everything, from cups to sweatshirts, toys to pens.

About an hour later Deku finally decided on a bracelet and a mug. The total was about 45 dollars, Bakugou was happy about the price.

He didn't limit Deku at all and he could of very easily got a 60 dollar sweatshirt and 120 dollar chair but he didn't.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Kacchan!" He kissed Bakugou after every 'thank you' and 'Kacchan.'

"We aren't done yet babe," Bakugou hugged Deku for a second, "Follow me, but look down so you can't see it. Okay babe?"

Deku nodded, Bakugou held Deku's hand and Deku had his other hand on Bakugou's arm, following close behind.

After about a 10 minute walk they were there. "Okay Izuku, you can look." Deku looked up slowly, his eyes lit up as he bounced around.

"Oh Katsuki I love it! This is going to be so much fun!" Bakugou got them tickets to the fair, he knew how much Deku loved these things but he could never afford to go.

Deku started to run into the fair, when Bakugou realized the ball of energy was going, he was gone.

Bakugou ran after him, when he finally caught up to Deku he wrapped his arms around him and lifted him up, earning a small squeak.

"Who said you could run away from me?" Bakugou teased, "sorry Kacchan, but look!" Deku pointed to the ride they ended up by. "Its an All Might ride! We have to go on it!"

Bakugou smiled, putting his forehead on Deku's, "I'll follow you babe."

Deku started to bounce to the line for the ride. It was surprisingly short for the amount of people there.


Once on the ride Bakugou took his phone out and took a picture of him kissing Deku on the face.

Deku was all excited in the picture and in real life. "Kacchan I'm a little sca-" The ride took off, fast. Deku screamed gripping onto the ride and Bakugou for dear life.

Bakugou was fine on the ride, he was enjoying it but Deku was scared. He wrapped his arm around Deku, holding him as close as possible.

Deku started to smile, which warmed Bakugou's heart and put him at easy.


Later that night both boys were tired and full of carnival food. Bakugou had one last ride he wanted to go on, the ferries wheel.

That's why Bakugou was so nervous all day. Today's date went better then he hoped. Deku was happy all day and that warmed Bakugou's heart.

Not many people were left at the fair, it was getting late after all.

All the lights were on the rides and the sight was breath taking to Bakugou. Seeing Deku in the lights, the excitement on his face. Bakugou was so in love with this boy it was crazy.

They got on the ride easily, Bakugou sat next to Deku, wrapping his arm around him.

The ride stopped a few times, once at the top. This is it, this is the moment.

"Hey Izuku, will you look at me for a second?" Deku was currently staring at the fair and the lights from the new height.

He turned towards Bakugou confused, "I love you Izuku," Bakugou reached out and grabbed Deku's hand. Deku smiled, "I love you too Katsuki, so so much."

Bakugou kissed Deku softly, pulling away he smiled. "You are my forever," Bakugou put his hand on Deku's face. "And you're mine," Deku put his hand over Bakugou's. They smiled at each other, full of love.

~The end~

Hope you enjoyed my short story. Please check out my other books, I'm working on a Todobakudeku, a Bakudeku and a new Kiritodobakudeku.

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