AN~ Bits you need to know before reading :)

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Hey there! 3AM_Guy here! If you're reading this then thankyou for clicking on my story! I hope you enjoy :)

Some things you need to know before you begin reading:

Whenever I am putting an authors note at the beginning of a chapter or at the end it will look like this!

When I'm writing from a certain characters POV, all thought tracks will look like this and if there's something I want to stand out, I'll just make it bold.

When I'm writing for a third person's POV, i may do thought tracks but not often, if i do, they may be in italic however, depend entirely on the context of the sentence. I usually use this to make things stand out however, I use it way to often haha.

All POV'S will be written like this to make the POV changes more obvious.

This story contains the following Trigger warnings: (I will add to this list if there are any extra so please do be sure to recheck the story description just incase)

~Suicidal thoughts
~Suicide attempts
~Descriptions of injuries (I will mark in the story where this starts and end in bold so you can skip to the 2nd bold marker)

I will write at the start of each chapter of what specific TW is there so if there's something triggering in one chapter for you, check the next chapter. :)

As usual, when writing these stories, I am not talking about the real people and I'm instead talking about the characters they role play in the Dream SMP. All there 2nd names will be changed and i may change how certain characters act.

Please, when writing about real life people, write about their characters or personas, not them directly. :)

Remember, stay hydrated and if you haven't eaten something today do be sure to go eat something. Then you can read haha :P.

Alright! Enjoy! 3AM_Guy signing off.

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