Chapter 13

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~~~~~~~Few hours later~~~~~~~~~~

third person's POV

hadrian has had a few hours of rest before he was woken up by the sudden coldness that spread across his body, even still being nose deep in the thick blanket and looking half inside of the mattress itself. He slowly peeped on the outside world looking around himself to remember where he was and who was still around, seeing no-one in site he leaned up on his elbows and jumped out of bed to find someone to take the warmth they possess. 

Hadrian had found someone after a few minutes of pointless walking around the large home, he was still half asleep so he didn't see who he had walked up too and flopped into. He leaned into them unmoving waiting for the warmth to sink inside of him. hadrian had heard a small chuckle come from above him before he had fell asleep once again  feeling the warmth of none other then his mum.

~~~~4 hours later~~~~

hadrian had reached his arm across the bed that he had been laying on for hours now seeking the body that had just left his side, having no luck in finding that person he opened his eyes and stared right in front of him waiting for something or someone to come into his view. Once seeing his mother and father come into his eye-site he lifted his arm up just at the right high so when he brought it back down it made a noise to catch the twos attention that he was now awake. 

"yes hadrian?" he heard his father speak

he only hummed and closed his eyes in return to his question. seeing that tom wasn't going to get an answer form his son he walked to the end of the bed closest to him and pulled back the blankets. hadrian groaned and rolled over looking up at his dad

"give me the blankets back! its cold" he whined 

"time to get up son, its late in the afternoon." tom had told him.

"yes my dear it is time to get up., you've been sleeping all day." stated severus

hadrian closed his eyes again before letting out a long sigh and sitting up in bed, "fine" 

~~~~after hadrian got dressed~~~~~

Hadrian's POV

 I walked down the long hallway into the dining room, going into the small yet large kitchen we had connected. i started making a late lunch when i heard voices behind me, i turned around and saw my one and only mate that i haven't seen since i left yesterday. I started feeling guilty about leaving and not letting him know how long i was leaving for, i was so caught up in my own thoughts that i didn't feel draco right next to me until he touched my shoulder. 

I looked at draco going to say something when i got cut off, " don't say sorry hades, it wasn't your fault. i get it and just over one thing isn't going to ruin our relationship." draco smiled at me, i smiled back giving him a hug "thank you dray, but i still shouldn't have left you like that. i should've taken you with me or let you know where i was going." i sighed into his hair 

 "we heard from your parents that you were back home safe and sleep."

"thank you for understanding why i had to get away." 

"not a problem hadrian" draco said sinking deeper into the hug

"now as much as i would like to stay like this i got food cooking and i don't want it to burn i haven't eaten all day." i sighed out 

 draco and i let go not so quickly and i turned back to the food cooking in front of me still making sure my mate was still near me " sit down i'll make some food for you  as well" i turned my head to face him once again and smiled 

dray nodded his heads and went to sit down in the dining room as i went back to cooking.

after the food was done, i walked 2 plates over to my blonde mate at the long table and put one in  front of him before walking to the other side of the table to sit down placing my own food.

 while we were eating we had small conversations every once and a while but over all just enjoying the silence that the room was providing us with.


Tom's POV

severus and i were sitting in the library talking about everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. 

"how is he going to go back to hogwarts?" asked sev worried 

"i don't know love. i don't have an answer for that." i sighed "maybe  we should have this  conversation with him later tonight, after he has had some time with his mates to bond more." 

my husband sighed but smiled never the less " yes, i think we should. it'll only be right if we do"

I smiled at him " right, now come here and give me my hugs. the children stole them from me last night so you can give them to me now" i smirked

severus laughed but got up and walked over to my and sat by my side and let me put my head in his lap. 

As he started to comb his hand through my hair i started to slow doze off into the land of dreams.


word count: 937 

A/N sorry for a way late update, i didn't have my laptop for ages and couldn't update. 

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