Chapter 8

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-mind link-

Severus pov
tom and i waited in the meeting room for Hadrians mate, after about 15 minutes a small looking person walked in. We saw a light blonde fluf of hair before he looked up slowly. I saw tom was going to grab his wand in case something went wrong. I stopped him quickly.

"He is Hadrians mate do not do such a thing!"

"I'm sorry love. It's an instinct"
I nodded showing I understand

The small male stopped at the other end of the table

"who are you?" Tom Asked
"My lord. i am Draco."

"Raise your head" Tom demanded
he raised his  head up

"Draco?" I asked
He nodded slowly
"How is that Draco! I demand to know now!" I slammed my hands on the table

"i had a glamour on my lord." draco stated

"And when did you first appiling this glamour?" Tom Asked
"when i went through my inheritance. since i was kinda forced into it" he explains calmly

"Very well." Tom placed his hand on my hand and looked directly at him.

draco shifted slightly not liking the slience 

Tom let out a sigh "Very well. One more thing. I understand that Hadrian is the full dominant.  draco, you are  the full submissive?" my mate questioned

draco nodded his head in agreement

I slowly walked up to Draco. And went to his level
"Listen Draco. You are a submissive. You will have to do everything your dominant tell you do to. Unless it's killing or torturing. You also have a 50/50 chance of getting pregnant. So you'll have to be careful if you pick to do that. Most likely Hadrian will want to take full control  of you once your back with him privately, you must be careful. He is a newly dominant he doesn't understand anything. Doesn't know the rules. Doesn't know anything. You must explain the rules and what not to him before he takes you. Do you  understand?" I stood back up crossing my arms

he nodded once again not knowing what to say

"Off you go then. Oh and Draco you are still my godson, no matter what."
Draco smiled and ran and hugged me "thank you so much sev" he sniffled
I hugged him back "no worries, now don't you dare get pregnant until in the far future."

Draco released me, smiled and nodded again " I promise"

As the small figure started to walk out the door Draco stopped once again and turned around
"Um. My lord?"
"Call me tom Draco."
"Very well. T-Tom Hadrian keeps calling you both by, snape, riddle or mr.riddle and his husband or mr. riddle and mr. Snape. I think it's about his birth certificate, it stated that James potter was dead. But as you know he is very much alive. I think he is doubtful that he isn't really your son."

Tom and I shared a look.
"We will talk to him tomorrow. Now off you  go"
Draco gave a small bow and left closing the door behind him.
Hadrians pov
I waited a good 30 minutes for my mate to come back when I heard the door open and close I didn't move a muscle until I felt the bed tip I turned my head and Draco was sitting still on the edge of my bed.

"How'd it go?" I asked
"It went well hades" said Draco
"I must talk to you about something important." 

"What is it?" I asked
"The rules." Dray said
"What rules?" I asked confused
"There are rules with mates." Stated dray

"And they are?" I asked looking at Draco
"you'll have to listen very carefully and make sure to never forget these rules"
I let out a sigh "Very well, hurry up and tell me these rules"

draco nodded
"The rules are:
1. Subs and sub-dominates have to do whatever there main dominant tells them to do. Unless it is killing or torture,
2. Main dominants are in charge of the submissives and some of the sub-dominants banks.
3. The main dominant has to earn trust and not force it for them to mate.
4. You can not force the submissive to get pregnant
5. Dominants have the right to kill anyone who hurt or try's to kill his submissives
6. Dominants can make there own rules for their own submissives
7. Dominants have the right to punish his submissives even in public
8. Dominants can never Purposely hurt his submissives if so the dominant title is stripped off and is made submissive or his mates are taken"

"So there are only 8?" I asked

"Ok.  now go change into night wear and come to bed"
he did as he was told Draco climbed into bed next to me falling asleep, with me wrapped around him. 

I unwrapped myself from Draco to turn off the lights, who let out a small whimper in the lost,  Draco came up behind me and put his arm around my waist. We all soon fell into a peaceful sleep


words: 838

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