Chapter 2

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-mind link-

Harry's POV
when I woke up the next morning, I felt oddly warm.
I was to comfortable to move from where I was as I stayed I hugged whatever I was hugging tighter and dug my face into it.

"Potter cling to me any tighter and I won't be able to breathe."
I mumbled in reply
"And you really need to get out of that mumbling habit of yours"
I groaned and squeezed tighter
"Merlin Harry! I need to be able to breathe!"
My grip loosened. I could feel him trying to get out of my arms completely so in return I only pulled him in closer and tighter
"Oh Merlin. We gotta go get our timetables and I want to change"I heard him groan out and I smiled and chuckled
"Was that a chuckled? From the great Harry Potter?"
"Oh shush malfoy." I smiled again

there was a moment of silence..

"Thanks for what? Letting you continue squeezing me to death?"
"No. Thank you for helping me last night. And thank you for making me smile and laugh again"
Draco smiled
"No worries potter"
"Mmmmm I like it better when you call me harry"
"Stop your groaning then Harry and lets get up so we can get food"
I sighed "fine"
I felt weird going to the slytherin table I didn't know where to sit.

I bit my bottom lip as I made my way over to the table I looked up and saw pansy waving at me to come to her, I went over in a heart beat
"Hey Harry! Come sit with us"
"Yeah I'm sure Draco won't mind either"

"Sure" I smiled and sat opposite them
We talked a while until pansy looked like she wanted to say something but didn't want to at the same time
"What is it pansy? I know you want to say something"
"There's two things really."
"Say then then"
"Well. What would the other two say about you hanging with us."
"That's their choice on what they think, you guys aren't so bad after all and I enjoy hanging with you"
Pansy smiled same as blaise

"Well I hope so" I jumped at the voice I looked over my shoulder and there was Draco making his way into the seat next to me
"Merlin you scared me Draco" I said with my hand on my chest
"Bit jumpy Harry?"

I glared at him but my attention went back to pansy
"What was to other question?"
"Last night. You did you mean when you kept repeating yourself?" She said quickly
"Oh. That. If I tell you three you have to promise on your life you won't tell anyone!" I hissed and glared at all three
They a nodded

"Ok well I can't tell you here too much people. Meet in Draco's room tonight and I'll tell you"
"Why my room?!"
I turned to him "because Draco you are the only one with a room of their own! Now no complaints I'm going to meet up with Ron and hermonie"

I get up and left the three slytherins to their thoughts
My head shot up
"Oh hey ron"
"How have you been?"
"Alight you?"
"Yeah I'm alright, It's been quiet around gryffindor now"

"Really? Ron your usually the loud one"
He chuckled "How's syltherin?"
I smiled "really good now"
"Have you made any friends?"
"Yes. Three. You met anyone new in gryffindor?"
" a few I guess"
"That's good Ron"
"Who are your 'friends' in syltherin?"
I bit my bottom lip
"Harry you only do that when your nervous, what's up?"
"Draco. Pansy. And. Blaise."

I looked up and Ron and saw his eyes wide
"Why them?!"
"They are really nice Ron! And plus they helped me out last night."
"So?! That doesn't matter! This is malfoy and his minions!"
"Relax Ron!" I stood up " now excuse me I have somewhere to be"
I left Ron standing there alone
I walked to the common room went to my bed ignoring the eyes on me, I slammed my books down on my little side table and flopped on the bed
"Rough day?"
I groaned in reply
"What happened?"
I flipped on my back "Ron happened"

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