Chapter 9

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-mind link-

Hadrian 's POV
The next morning when I awoke my mate who was  still sleeping, I knew now that not only do I have my demons to protect I also have my mate. I'll need to speak with the demons. To Siri and rem about my mate. I have to do many other things aswell as meet with mr riddle and mr snape later on today.
After I finally got myself out of the warmth of my mate I made my way downstairs to call a meeting with the demons. I knew some would still be asleep. It's only 6:45.
'I'll wait till around 7:30 to call a meeting' I thought
'Maybe I can get some other things done? I have a meeting with mr riddle and his husband around 9.'
I sighed and made my way to Sirius and Remus they surprisingly up and are outside in the garden.
"Hey Siri, hey remy" I said
"Hey cub"
"Hey kiddo, why are you up this early?" Asked Remus
"I couldn't really sleep.and I have a lot of things to do today, so I forced myself to get up" I stated
"I see" said moony

"Hey, I want you both to know who my mate is..." I said softly sitting down between the two

"If you want us to know, you can tell us." Said Sirius

"As you know i only have the one mate, and he is in my group. 'The demons'. Draco malfoy is my mate." I said in a rush

They both looked at me stunned, lost for words.

"Before You say things like " Draco are kinda family from sev, wouldn't that be weird?", Draco is sev's godson after all. Not by blood anyway, he has a glamour on to make him look like a  malfoy copy.  I saw him without the glamour and submissives have to tell the truth if it's something important like that."

"That's alright cub, we were just shocked. We weren't expecting the malfoy's son to be your mate" Siri spoke up
"We kinda thought it would have been the Weasley twins, you guys are really close" Remus added

I chuckled "no no, I wouldn't mind if they were my mates. But at the same time. I'm kinda glad that  Draco is my mate, it gives me something new for once"

"We get that cub"

After a few moments of a peaceful silence there was a loud BANG coming from inside the manor, all three quickly jumped to our feet's and ran right into the house. Once we entered there was a lot of growling, a lot of yelling and some crying. I carefully stepped around the place walking into a smaller room across the hall.

When I pushed the door open I came face to face with Draco curled in a ball tears in his eyes. a few people were around, one trying to calm him down but that didn't matter to me at this moment

"What is going in here?!" I demand

All heads turned to face me

"Draco started-"
"Crying when he-"
"Couldn't find you."
The twins explained
I sighed "everyone stay back." I made my way over to the, I walked slowly over to the crying Draco.

"Dray..." I whispered
He looked though his fingers to see if it was me, he whimpered once again and curled up tighter
"Dray.. come here"
He slowly made his way to me.
"Shhh... shhh... it's ok"
At this moment Draco was sitting in between my legs I had my back against the wall wrapping my arms around Draco protectively

"What's wrong little one?" I asked softly
He whimpered again "you disappeared" he whispered
I could feel me shoulder getting wet
"Hey, hey. You don't need to cry, I had to talk to my godfathers... I'm sorry I left you  alone. Next time I'll let you know"

"I promise little one"

Draco then giggled. He giggled. It was so adorable.
I smiled "why are you giggling baby boy?" I asked

"you touching my sides tickle" he said softly in my ear

i smiled at his cuteness before deciding to head back up to the room before contiuing my meetings for the day.  

"Come on little one,lets go back to my room"
He nodded and slowly got up and waiting for me to do that same. Once I was up I started walking. To the door as I was in the door frame I waited for Draco to catch up.

Draco came right up behind me and jumped on my back, I quickly stabled myself shook my head, smiled and continued walking to our room.
Once we had reached our room Draco got off my back and made his way to the bed once again, once he got there he flopped on the bed letting out a long sigh

I chuckled at Draco's behaviour,
"draco." I said
he hummed in reply

"Draco hun, hop off the bed please. Go take a shower"
Draco nodded softly got up and disappeared in the next room.


words: 837

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