chapter 14

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~~~time skip to that night~~~

~~~Hadrian's POV~~~~

I was laying with my  mate when I heard a small popping sound coming from the end of the bed. I opened my eyes to see that Dobby was standing there waiting to be noticed by someone as he didn't want to disturb us.

I slowly got out of my mate's hold and looked at the house elf. "What are you doing here Dobby?" I asked softly as to not wake my sleeping mate that is just a few feet away from me.

"Master Riddle asked Dobby to come get Master Hadrian as his parents need to speak to him" the elf said

I cringed at the word 'master' but answered the elf "alright Dobby, tell my parents I will be down with them soon". I smiled at the small being and turned to my mates not missing the small pop as he disappeared from view.

"dray...wake up Hun" I whispered, shaking him softly. He groaned in reply, mumbling for a few more minutes. I chuckled at him "you can go back to sleep but I need to leave for a few. my parents need to speak with me, okay?" i saw him give a small nod while slowly opening his eyes

i started walking towards the door, taking one more final look at my fast asleep mate before opening the door and walking out to go meet with my parents.


I started to look for my parents around the house once i knew no one could get inside my room while dray was asleeping. When I finally found my parents still in the library I walked up to them making sure they knew of my presents and sat down on a chair right across from them.

"You needed to talk to me?" I questioned as my mother looked up at me, taking her concentration away from the book he was reading beforehand.

"Yes, your father and I thought of something that needs to be discussed before any final choices are made." my mother stated as he closed the book and put it to the side.

I nodded, not saying a word waiting for her to continue, nervously playing with my hands in my lap.

"No need to be nervous, it is important as it involves your education but nothing to worry about" Severus said while smiling "now let's wake your father up" he said while looking down to the sleeping man in his lap before looking back up at me and giving a smirk. "Come here" he whispered. I slowly got up thinking the same thing my mother was thinking and made my way to his side before turning around sitting down on his stomach with a huff. My father tried to sit up in a rush but I had stopped him half way and he fell back into Sev's lap with a hand moving to cover his face before letting out a sigh.

He opened his eyes fully and looked up at his husband seeing him laughing behind a single hand then looking at me while I was still sitting on top of him, "what are you doing sitting on me?" he asked calmly.

"No more seats." I said like it was common sense, while staring into his eyes. He raised an eyebrow and looked to his right "there's one right across from us" he said before turning back to me. "Didn't see it," I said. "You looked too comfortable anyway. Thought i had to wake you up"

He sighed once more, but then I saw his face turn into a smile. Not a sweet loving kind, more like he has a plan that popped into his head. As I started to move off him in a hurry he was faster and grabbed me and pulled me down with him so I was laying on his chest holding me there. I tried to get up a few more times before finally giving up, letting out a huff of disappointment.

I heard my dad laugh but didn't make a move on letting me go. "What did you want to talk about with me?" i asked

"We wanted to talk to you about school," my father started "we wanted to know if you wanted to go back as harry potter or as Hadrian riddle"

I sucked in a breath. I knew this was coming but i didn't think it would be this early on. "I-" i took in a deep breath "i want to go back as Hadrian, but maybe i should have my last name as 'Snape' so they don't know that you have your son back just yet." i said

"We can do that, now we just need a little story as to how Sev got a son over the summer" my father had told us as he let go of me.

"I got an idea" mother had said " we can just say that over the summer Hadrian came into his inheritance and while he went to the goblins he found out his father was alive. And before he met me he was an orphan."

"But what if they ask how I knew magic? They would surely think that i was someone at Hogwarts before my inheritance" i asked

"Say I was teaching you over the summer, I showed you all the basics you needed to know before starting in 5th year at Hogwarts. And even before that the orphanage showed you a few things too" mother answered after some silence

"We can do that," father said. ''I smiled at him,standing up before smirking "now-" i started them both looking at me with questioning looks "now we just gotta kill off harry potter, and i know the perfect way."

"And how do we do that?" they both asked at the same time

"Well, I still want the old man to think Harry Potter is still alive. So i'm going to send him a letter saying that harry potter is going into hiding for a few years as to study more on good old Voldy so he won't be coming to Hogwarts" i told them both while smiling

They nodding in agreement thinking the same thing as me

The old man is going to perish


word count:1118

A/N so my computer broke. and i actually forgot about this book, but i remembered finally and decided to update it was i want to myself to see where this story is going. I wasn't really sure on what to write half the time and i know for a fact it will always be think this, but i'm going to keep writing it so i don't have an unfinished book.

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