Chapter 16

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-mind link-

~~~~time skips~~~~ start of the new year~~~~~

third person POV

 Hadrian had finally left the house after months of being inside of it. He was now getting ready to enter Hogwarts once again. but he was going back to Hadrain Snape and not Harry potter.

Hadrian was very happy, he couldn't wait to see what would happen. the news about how harry potter disappeared has reached all over the world, they have started to think it was all dumbledore's plan to begin with. no one has heard anything about the body who lived.

Hadrian was currently sitting in a compartment with this crew, each one was there. They were speaking in hushed voices about what they could do to troll the school. Hadrian knew that he was the heir to Hogwarts but since he claimed all his lordships and his heirships he was able to control the whole school. meaning he could get away with anything he wanted.

Hadrian didn't know when to start his plans. He wanted to get right into them, but he knew he had to wait until the whole news about Snape having a child was over with.

Hadrian had been lost in thought when someone tapped him on the shoulder, he turned his head away from the window and looked towards his mate.

"you okay dray?" he asked

"Yeah, fine." hadrian could see he hesitated to continue on "i'm just worried, is all."

"worried about what?"

"well.." draco stopped

"dray." hadrain said, now turning his body to face him and grabbed his hands before continuing to speak. "I know it'll be strange at first, people seeing you in a relationship and all. but we got this. i'm not going to stop loving you just because of the ridiculous people that are at this school"

Draco bit his bottom lip, looking down at their hands inclosed together. "I guess you're right hadrian. I guess I'm overthinking."

"And that's okay, we all overthink things. We just have to take everything one step at a time and if anyone tries to get in our way." Hadrian stopped and looked at his group. " We have all these amazing people to help us whenever we need it."

Draco could see a glint in his mates eyes, he knew what that meant. No one was going to get involved in this group who wasn't already. And if they did.. They would be sorry.

~~~~time skip~~~ arrival to hogwarts~~~

Hadrains POV

As we all stepped out onto the platform, we couldn't wait for this new year to start. We have to stick to the plan and the stories that have been discussed over the break.

When we get into the school everyone will go to their own houses, then i'll be sorted into slytherin, even though i wanted my whole group of demons to come to the same house, father thinks it'll be better if they stayed where they were so they could grab info on the other houses.

"Ready everyone?" i said as the platform was finally empty

"Of course" each on said

"Remember. Stick to the plan, make sure everyone thinks you guys are still the same." i gave them each a look

"Oh come-"

"On hadrian"

"We aren't going to be us-"

"If we don't make up trouble"

"You can make trouble, just don't make it too obvious on who you are targeting."

"Of course-"

"Not, we will aim for everyone-"

"But make certain people suffer more"

"Just go for it, i better not see any of those pranks on me or my mate" i warned them

"Course not!" they both said at the same time.

We started walking to the carriages that were waiting. There was only one left so we all piled in together. The carriage was full of conversations. The twins were discussing when, what and who their first target would be, Luna and Nev were talking about some plant, Dean and Seamus were cuddled up together talking softly, Blaise was listening to everyone talk, interrupting them when he had input to something being said at the time.

This year is going to be interesting for sure, and once the plans start falling in place. Everyone will see just what happened to the 'famous harry potter'. And everyone will pay for making me live the way I did for so many years. I chuckled to myself, this is going to be fun. 


Word count:762 

A/N hey everyone, I finally had some time to write a chapter, even though its a short one. I wanted to post something to add onto the story.  sorry it's short but hopefully i can start making them longer. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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