Chapter 3

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-mind link-

Harry's POV
The next time I woke up I was back in my little room, I finally got a room that wasn't under the stairs but I still get locked inside of it most nights. I got up and had a look at the time

Shit. It's 9:45. I'm meant to be up. Shit. Shit. Shit. After a few moments I heard big thumping coming up the stairs .shit. My door flew open
"Where is breakfast boy?" Asked my very unhappy uncle
"Don't stutter boy! Out with it!"
Maybe if I add a little lie? I thought. No. I shouldn't I'll just get a bigger punishment from him.
"I slept in sir."
"Right That's it" he stormed over to me and slapped me right across the face hard enough to leave a mark for a while. I knew it wasn't finished yet.
"I'll finish your while punishment later tonight got that you freak?"
Sneered my uncle

"Yes sir." I replied quickly
"Now get down their and do your chores!"
I didn't wait any longer then that I dashed down stairs grabbed the little paper on the table and went out to the backyard to start.
7 hours later
I finished my chores made my way back up to my room biting my lip nervously. I knew Vernon would be up any minute to finish my punishment. I listened till I started hearing foot steps coming down the hall and stopping right infront of my door, the door open and my uncle stood their walking in closing the door behind

"On your knees boy." He demanded
I looked up at him with wide eyes
"You heard me boy! On your knees!"
I got into my knees and right then I got a punch in the face I could taste little bits of blood in my mouth.

I was forced to flip over I felt my pants sliding down my legs and a great speed before I could get what was happening it was too late. Something slammed into me I felt pain. So much pain, I felt tears start drowning my eyes and I was repeatedly slammed into by my uncle

I can't remember much of what's happening my whole body was in pain so much pain it made me pass out.
Next day
I woke up on the bed with one of my wrists connected with a part of my bed lucky it was just rope so I undid it and went for a quick shower before everyone woke up.
10 minutes later
I stepped out of the shower and looked into the huge mirror. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand I picked up some clothes put them on and went into my room when I entered there was a latter on my bed waiting to be opened I walked over and opens the letter
Dear mr potter
It has come to our attention that you have went through your inheritance late last night, your inheritance has come earlier then planned for normal wizards and witch's. We wish for you to come down to gringots as soon as possible to know what kind of inheritance you went through.
Please say the words "tiger lily" while holding this letter to come to the bank
I landed in the wizards bank right on my face, I got up with a groan and made my way to the goblin and handed him my letter without a word. A few minutes later griphook came out and asked to follow him, he lead me to a room and told me to sit and wait. About 10 minutes later he was back
"Good afternoon mr.potter, just 3 drops of blood on this paper and we'll see what you are."
I cut the palm of my hand and dropped 3 drops on the paper, it started to spin and float. Few seconds later it stopped and griphook grabbed the paper and read through it before I did I saw great shock and sorrow in his eyes. I didn't know that was possible for a goblin....

"Mr. Riddle-snape, I apologise" he hands me the paper and I read:

Birth certificate (fake)
Name:Harry james potter
Lilly evens potter (deceased)
James Alec potter (deceased)
Sirius black (alive/in hiding)

Birth certificate (real)
Name: Hadrian riddle-snape
Inheritance: (active)
1. unknown (active) (neko/Vella ) (Sub/dom) (100%-sub)

Severus riddle-snape(alive)
Tom riddle-snape (Alive/in hiding)
James potter (deceased)
Sirius lupin-black(Alive/ in hiding)
Lilly potter (deceased)
Remus lupin-black (Alive)
Charlie riddle-snape (alive)
Bill riddle-snape (alive)
Sister(s): none
they were telling the truth.

I looked up at griphook.
"Any blocks?" I ask
"Another 3 drops on this paper please"
I did as I was told and grabbed the paper looking at all my blocks
Creature inheritance (broken)
Magic core (95% blocked)
Knowledge (65% blocked)
Parseltongue (95% blocked)
Wandless magic (100% blocked)
Parselmagic (100% blocked)
Merlin's power (100% blocked)
Heir hogwarts (100% blocked)
Creature voices (all 100% blocked)
Shadow walk (100% blocked)
Shadow magic (100% blocked)

Memory potion (continues though-our the years)
Glamours (since age 5/ 20% broken)
Trust potion (to the weasleys, gryffindor, albus dumbledore.)
Hate potion (malfoys, slytherins, snape, Tom riddle (aka voldy)
Lack of sleep potion
Lazy potion 
Forced glamour (age 5-current)
Forced bloody change (age 5-current)

Please understand everything thing was placed by albus dumbledore.
"I would like everything taken off please"
"Of course mr. riddle-snape, follow me"
we entered a larger room with little lights everywhere with a single bed in the middle
"Lay down on the bed" ordered griphook
I did as I was told and layed down
"This will hurt a little and you may pass out"
I nodded and closed my eyes I took a deep breath in and out wait for it to start. I heard the goblin language and then I felt pain once again and blacked out.


words: 948

A/N sorry i wanted to change one of them to be both a dom and a sub. i just didn't like the idea of both of them being 100% subs anymore.

this chapter was about how harry went into his inheritance and found out who he really was, found out that most of his powers were blocked and was under many potions. his real name is hadrian riddle-snape, his parents are tom and snape. and that every potion and block were done by none other then albus dumbledoor. after he got everything removed.

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