Magic Mirror On The Wall

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The sun beamed down, giving that familiar heated burn you've grown to love. It may be the middle of autumn, but even the weather has obeyed the perfect conditions for the perfect royal family.

How sweet.

It did make you feel more at ease, setting your mind back into the boiling, metal workshop that you love so much. It took your mind off the searing pain you felt in your side, making it easier to focus soulfully on the melted iron and dark oak handles. Control was the best thing about your life job and that's what you needed right now, control over your mind.

The thought of losing may have hurt more than you realised, so you're grateful for the unusual weather and sunburn that you're definitely gonna have later. Anything that took your mind off that, now thief, was worth it.

Speaking of which, thief? You?

The thought of even stealing something of unimportance just churns your stomach, mother always taught you well. You were not going to throw away her teaching lessons for some dumb stone.

Stupid Blade.

Honestly, how can a man be so cruel? You didn't even know him! He just assumes that you're a commoner and a filthy liar. Doesn't he know who you are?

Being disrespected like that and then beaten like a pathetic rag doll made your entire body fume. More than the sun and the blacksmith combined, it was a kind of anger you haven't felt in a long time.

Not since...

Those damn...



You shake your head, forcing those memories out.

The crowds of people started to get a bit excessive now, you couldn't go two steps without bumping into someone. It did not sit well with your pained side or your conscience. Sure, you meet people everyday, make conversation with them, make items for them, but it's different now. There was no front desk to keep you at arms length, or a hot back room to escape to when things got too much. You weren't claustrophobic or anything, but the looks people gave to you after accidentally trodding on their designer dress, weren't really smile worthy. None of them were recognisable either, it was easier to apologise to someone you knew than to some stranger. Especially, if that stranger looks down on you. As if you were some lowly bug she could easily squish between her silver heels.

Well, at least it's an expensive way to go.

Instead, you keep your head down, letting your eyes distract themselves with the cracked cobblestone.


The makeshift podium was huge, it could've fit way more than The King and The Blade. Luckily, the area where people stood was much bigger too. You were able to keep to yourself, far from others, but close enough to see the built stage. It looked as if the entire village and their men showed up, father would probably be jealous if he knew what he was missing out on. Though, he's more work focused than you are.

Thinking about it now, with the entire town's worth of people. Maaaaybe, public confrontation was not the best idea. In conclusion,

You came here for no reason.


Well. You cross your arms, waiting for the show to start.

Everyone has seen the King before plenty of times, but that didn't stop the rages, cheers and hollers.

"Your majesty!"

"Where's the Prince!?"

"It's the King!"

A Blacksmith and Her Prince // Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now