She Always Wins

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My darlings I'm super sorry about being gone for so long I was dealing with graduations and things but now that,that's over I'll be posting more frequently.

Maybe the world was out to get him. To watch him suffer. Maybe it was planned out from the very beginning. It was all a cruel joke he had to smile through everyday. The world was cruel and unforgiving especially to Nishinoya Yuu. As he put on his suit. He pushed down all the emotions that had been building up to this very day.

He practiced his pathetic fake smiles in the mirror. As he fixed his tie and slicked up his hair for the last time. He was calm as he knocked on the door next to his.
In the middle of the room stood an anxious Tanaka fiddling with an uneven tie. He looked so perfect in his suit. Black has always been Tanaka's color.

"Can you help me with this?" The taller man eventually gave up on trying to fix the tie. Noya chuckled at his incompetence to tie a simple tie.
He could tell Tanaka was nervous and he couldn't keep still. Tapping the side of his leg with erratic hands.

"Nervous?" Yuu asked as he untied the mess that was. Tanaka's tie.
"Just a little I guess. I mean like don't you think she deserves better. Like what if there's someone better. Or what if I fuck the entire thing up." He groaned

Noya let out a snort of a laugh. As he finished tying the tie with nimble fingers.
"Ryu, what the hell are you talking about? No one is better than you." He patted Tanaka's chest. Backing away so he could see himself in the mirror.
'Your perfect.' Was what he would have said but of course he kept it to himself.

Seemingly out of nowhere. Tanaka hugged his best friend tightly. Air was pushed out of his lungs. As he sighed in content. His muscular arms seemed to fit perfectly around Noya's waist.
"Thank you...Noya."

"For what you big baby?"

"For everything." He sighed and Yuu hated how this sounded like a goodbye. Though maybe it was a goodbye to the hope in his heart. That ached for Tanaka. But he was better off with her.

"No one knows you better than me." The shorter male chuckled. Hoping the hug would end soon. So that in the end it wouldn't hurt so bad. Though that didn't happen. They stood there hugging and the aching didn't subside. As Noya finally gave in. Seeking out the warmth and basking in it. Tanaka's scent overpowering the little omega.

It was bad for his health. He knew that. That it would hurt so bad when he would finally let go. When the warmth finally subsided as they. Pulled apart sure it was painful. But the smile on the groom's face made it ache a bit less.

Noya wanted to pull Tanaka by his shoulders and kiss him deeply. To let all the love for him flow freely from his body. But this wasn't his wedding and Tanaka wasn't his groom. So he only said.
"Let's go, you can't be late to your own wedding." The smile on his face only hid his tears as the rest of the groom's party. Got into the limo.

Everyone was in high spirits and Noya did his best to match them. To be happy and delighted by the fact the love of his life was marrying someone else.
The venue was beautiful and it was decorated with a white and purple theme. Everyone probably thought that Kiyoko picked the purple. But no it was Tanaka's idea as purple was his favorite color.

They rehearsed for the last time. Before the guest started to file in. Filling the pews. With family and friends. People who's smiles were as bright as Tanaka's. They were all so happy. Noya convinced himself he was happy. Smiling and laughing, the works. But he wanted to cry, he wanted to cry so bad. Maybe until he felt better or maybe till he drowned in his own sadness.

Most of the ceremony was a blur he couldn't remember much. But he remembered how lovely Kiyoko looked in her white dress. Like an angel. She deserved this; she deserved the best. She had won and she knew that. They hugged with their foreheads touching . He kissed the top of her head. As everyone cheered.

The tears he held in were free falling now. He wiped them quickly. Everyone probably mistakes the tears for ones of joy. But no he was utterly defeated. His body screamed and his heart ached. The pounding in his head was unbearable. After the ceremony he escaped to the bathroom. His body shuddered as threw up his entire stomach. The squeezing in his stomach was horrible as was the taste of acid burning his throat.

He felt horrible. Maybe this was his punishment for ever thinking. He deserved to be happy. For thinking something so stupid. The bathroom door opened as Tanaka rushed to his side.
"Dammit you idiot if you weren't feeling well you should have stayed home." He brushed Noya's now messy hair back.

"And miss your wedding?" Noya croaked, forcing out a chuckle.

" God dammit Yuu your always going above and beyond for me when are you going worry about yourself." Tanaka wiped his friend's mouth with the sleeve of his expensive suit.

"Of course idiot, you're the only thing that matters." He coughed.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Tanaka asked, gripping Noya's shoulders.

Noya didn't dare answer. In fact he pressed his lips so tightly together that he couldn't talk. So that he couldn't speak another word. He'd already said too much by this point. Tanaka's face was so close he could feel his breathing.

"Nothing, let's get back to the party." He smiled. He seemed to get the fact that Noya didn't want to talk about it anymore. They got up and headed back to the party. Everyone cheered as the two entered. Kiyoko came up to the omega hugging him.  As he smiled at the new bride.

Ryu's arm wrapped around her waist as she kissed his cheek.
"You almost missed the cake cutting." Her laugh was beautiful just as much as she was. But fuck her and her stupid marriage,fuck her and her stupid wedding fuck her and her stupid life. With the only thing He'd ever wanted. Fuck her for winning his heart and lastly fuck him for being so happy without him. Noya silently cursed the couple. "There were plenty of alphas in the world but she had to fall in love with mine." He whispered to himself

As they cut their cake he realized He could never truly hate her. He could never hate the person who made Ryu so happy. But he couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't enough. Though he could never be compared to her.
Looking through the crowd, familiar eyes met his . Not the type of familiar as He'd seen them before but they had that same utter despair look.

He walked to their side.

"You're in love with her." He whispered for them just to hear him.

"Yea." She said defeated.
"You're in love with him?" She asked, whispering back.

"Mhm." They laughed together until tears fell. Whether they were happy ones or not didn't matter. He found someone who understood. Someone who knew his pain. Someone who found this happy event as painful as He did.

"Hello I'm Hitoka Yachi." She smiled as we shook hands.

"Nishinoya Yuu"

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