Best Bros (SFW)

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This is just something quick I wrote I have other stories in the works. But still, leave suggestions. 

"Hey bro do you love me?"

"Of course bro you're like my best friend in the whole world."

"Because you love me so much can you pass me the chips."

" You're so fucking lazy."

It was late Friday night. Tanaka and I sat in his room. Eating chips playing games. Just Vibing big sis had left the house for some trip with her friends. So we had the whole house to ourselves.

"Man you suck at this game." I announce smirking.

"No it's just this game sucks." He said back mashing the buttons a little harder.

"I mean you picked out the game," I said calmly as the game announced.

"Winner player 1!" I stick my nose in the air smiling with satisfaction.

"So Bro how does it feel to lose." I said the emphasis on the word lose. I rubbed it in his face for a bit before in unison our stomachs growled. We looked at each other and shrugged before walking down to the kitchen. I took out two packets of ramen and a pot.
I added the water and put it on the stove.

Ryu stood in the corner pouting like a baby. "I can make my ramen-ya know."

"Big sis said you aren't allowed to touch the stove because of last time."

"How was I supposed to know that you aren't supposed to put plastic in the oven? It was only one time." I titled my head and crossed my arms.
"Okay it was maybe three times but I learned from my mistakes."

"Well still bro, big sis left me in charge of the cooking."
I said walking over to him patting his shoulder. "But it's okay we've all almost burnt the house down." I walked back over the stove. Placing the ramen in the boiling water. I stirred it for a while. I felt something push down on my shoulder. I looked over and it was Tanaka's head resting on my shoulder. His face was so close to mine. I don't know why but my face got warm. I turned back toward the stove and continued cooking.

"Is the food done yet." he whined still slouching.

"No stupid I just put it in." At that, he groaned some more. Making more dramatic attempts to speed up the cooking process. A while later I took the pot off the stove. putting the ramen into our bowls and placing them on the table. Ryu grabbed the chopsticks then we quickly sat down. We said thanks for the food. Then immediately demolished our bowls. I guess we were hungry.

We placed our bowls in the sink. On our way back upstairs. "Man Noya, that was some good cooking."

"All I did was boil noodles. Anyone could do that."

"But when you did it, it was special."

"That's sounds stupid."

We continued walking up the steps.

"I'm not that special," I grumbled slowly. I didn't think he could hear me. I was never really one to be self-deprecating. But I just didn't think I was as special as he thought I was. He stopped me instantly trapping me in between his muscular arms. He stared into my soul. At that moment everything stopped. I even stopped breathing.

He glared at me, what was he mad for? Our lips barely touched. It was like the flap of a butterfly's wings Light and airy.He grabbed my hand and began dragging me up the steps.

"Never talk shit about my best bro again."

blushing and confused I answered, "Okay.."

✨Tananoya/NoyaTana Oneshots✨Where stories live. Discover now