Call out my Name (Sfw-ish)

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Hello my sugar babies. I know ,I know I've been leaving you guys out please forgive me. I'm still working on the part 2 to Cat boy. So be patient. But for now I give you angst. I cried writing this anyways Enjoy!😚

TW:Mentions of Drugs and Alcohol.

Smoke floated in the summer air making it a foggy swamp. As Noya pointed the blunt in my direction. I took a puff blowing it into the already dense smoke hanging in the air. We didn't speak much just taking right now as it is. Blissfully in a hazy fog too high to care much for anything.

"Ya know I'm not really into Kiyoko.." His voice was a new sound. Though hazed by fog I heard him.

"To be honest dude I'm not either," I said giving a light chuckle.

"Why the hell did we worship her then?" His voice didn't have much force behind it.

"Because bro she's our goddess. Duh."

"Oh right." Even with his quiet tone, his voice seemed unsettled. I took another puff.

"Noya..." He faced me with a curious hum. His irises were darkened and his eyes were a bit red. His eye bags carried loads of groceries. We haven't slept all weekend. But still, he always looked so pretty like this.

"Idiot your zoning out." He called out to me. He lifted my hand, taking a puff and letting go. He leaned his head back against the door of the back porch. He looked so pretty cast in the light of the setting sun.

"Dude we should go back inside before it gets too dark," I say standing and stretching. I felt my shirt ride up my torso. As a summer breeze passed.

He stood up to a little sluggish but still, that was to be expected. I grounded the last bits of the roll into the siding of my house. Before dropping it into the bushes. We enter the house. Hearing the rickety back door slam behind us. We headed up the steps and looked back to make sure the idiot didn't slip and fall.

He was high out of his mind. Probably drunk too. He showed up at my house yesterday. Stressed and anxious as hell he drank half the booze we had in our house. I Gotta make a mental note to stalk up next time.
Something has been bothering him lately I can tell.
But I'd wish he'd just talk to me about it. But he only wants to drown his sorrows in weed and liquor.

I walked into my room and I plopped on the bed. He fell on top of me, his cheek pressed into my back. He settled into this position wrapping his arms around my waist. I could hear his heartbeat or was it mine I couldn't tell. But it was so calming. We laid like that for a while. Feeling his body heat against mine made me happy. I guess I'd fallen asleep the next thing I knew I woke up.

I woke up to his face right in front of mine. It startled me a little but that was it. He looked so calm sleeping. I looked out the window and it was pitch black outside. Aside from the street lamps that gave off a yellow glow.
I turn back to Yuu staring at his calm sleeping expression.

"I can feel you staring at me." He mumbled with his eyes closed "What are you in love with me?" He said sitting up.

"Yes, I am very much in love with you," I said sitting up staring into his eyes. His blush was so cute I had to giggle. But I can't hide there was some truth to that statement.

"Ryu that's not funny." He said in a grumpy sleepy voice. His lip jutted out in a bratty pout. I couldn't resist. I pulled him into an embrace. So I couldn't be tempted by his beautiful eyes.

"Okay Ryu let go."

"Hmm no, not yet just let me have this." I said pulling his waist in closer. Our chests were touching now and his forehead rested on my chest.

"Hey Noya...are you okay." He looks up at me with those eyes and I quickly look away.

"Yea I'm okay now."I feel like he understood what I meant even though he's okay. I wish he wouldn't keep it bottled up. I lift his chin with my hand looking him in the eyes this time.

"If you need to talk just know I'm here for you." He didn't speak just quietly nodding and laying his head back in my chest. I liked when Noya was like this he was so soft. Like the rugged edges and loud personality Noya usually had was sanded away. Leaving a different person who was sensitive and wanted to be cared for and cuddled. I loved all sides of noya. But I wonder how many people he's shown this side of himself too.

I know it sounds selfish but I wanted this side of Noya all to myself. But I have no control over that...

"Ryu?" I looked down at him.


"Thank you."

"For what." I said chuckling.

"For always taking care of me."He said, snuggling closer to me.

"Of course, anytime. What are friends for." Only silence followed and we sat comfortably. In a hazy high. He took the bottle from the side table. Downing the little left in the bottle.Then falling asleep. I woke up and I felt him moving.

He grabs my face and pulls it closer to his. Turning his whole body around to face me fully. His lips were attached to mine. I kissed back feeling his soft lips against mine. I stick my tongue through his lips and he lets me. He tastes of alcohol just like always. We pull apart breathing heavily.

He pulled away from me laying on my chest. Laying down and falling back to sleep. That drunk idiot doesn't know how I feel. I'm so selfish for kissing him back while he's drunk. I want him badly but he isn't mine.

"I love you- Asahi." He mumbles in his sleep. Tears fall from my eyes like I haven't experienced this a dozen times before. I wipe my tears. But still even after all this time.They still continue to fall.

After every time He hurts Noya he comes to my house and cries and drinks.I pretend I don't know why he's always crying. I pretend I'm not in love with him. He lays in my arms while I comfort him and every time he goes right back to him. Even after knowing this it still hurts so bad when he calls his name and not mine.

It feels like he's plunging a knife into my heart. But I love him too much to stop him. So I drown. I drown in my feelings, I suffocate in my own blood. Next thing I knew I was being shaken awake.

"Ryu wake up!" I wake up to Noya's face in mine. He looks super concerned and scared.

"Hm? What's wrong."

"You were crying in your sleep... Are you okay??"

I flash a light smile wiping the tears from my cheek.

"Of course Noya I'm fine."

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