Lovers in Secret (Reupload)

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Hello everyone how are you all? Today's story is pretty fluffy so get ready to root your teeth out. This one is also a bit longer so hope you enjoy it. ( I had to reupload this because of some issues.)

The sweat dripping off my forehead and the soon to be bruises, all over my body felt almost rewarding. We've all been training hard this week to get ready for our practice game with Nekoma. We were determined to show off our new skills. After a couple of spikes often with Noya jumping in to receive them after previously looking as though he couldn't move. It never seemed to surprise me though but I did wonder where he stored all that energy.

"Alright, guys that should be it for today don't forget to rest up for our game in 2 days," Coach called as everyone started cleaning and putting things away.

From the corner of my eye, I see Noya standing next to Asahi as he gulped down his water from his bottle. It always seemed like Asahi was nervous around most people. But around Noya, he was normal, not at all aggressive like how he looked but less tense.
"Do you think they're dating.?" I turned behind me to see Suga looking in their direction.

"Nah they couldn't be dating Noya would have told me." He nodded once in agreement as we both turned back to cleaning up.
Once we finished I went back to the club room to change clothes. While changing I heard light chatter from Daichi and Yams.
"I think they're dating."

"They could be just friends tho." Yams said, shrugging a little. He was right though their chemistry did make it seem like there was something more. But there couldn't be. Noya would have told him right. I walked out of the clubrooms.

Guess who I was walking near. Of course the two "love birds." I and Noya always walked together but Asahi was a new addition.  The three of us walked for a while before hitting the corner and parting ways with the tall buff male. He waved towards us (Mostly Noya) before walking toward his house.

As we walked home the air around us grew stiff. Noya sensed it and tried to alleviate it some.
"So how'd practice go?" He said shyly it sounded weird because she wasn't Noya.

"Good," I replied I didn't mean for it to sound angry but it did. I was a bit upset but I couldn't figure out the reason. Other than that the walk to my house was rather silent with me glancing over at his worried face every once in a while.

We got to my house as I unlocked the door to the Air-conditioned haven. I popped my bag on the ground as I made my way up the stairs. In my bedroom, I flopped onto the bed. I almost forgot Noya was there; he was so quiet. Quiet isn't a Yuu thing so it was kind of odd.

I sat up in my bed leaning against the stack of pillows. Like a magnet, he crawls in between my legs lay his head into my chest clinging to my body. I rest my chin on the top of his head breathing out heavily. "Did I do something wrong?" He finally whispered out.

"Of course not Yuu why would you think that." I sat back relaxing twirling strands of hair that were now falling from their gravity-defying position.

"You seem upset with me and you're not talking." He said I could hear the anxiety in his voice.

"I'm talking to you right now, idiot." When I and Noya were alone Noya's intense personality turned into a softer one. He sat up looking at me with those beautiful eyes.

"Ryu you know that's not what I mean." He looked at me like he was searching for something. But of course, he never could figure it out. I was pretty good at hiding my emotions. It's an unhealthy habit I've formed I guess. I cup his cheeks kissing his forehead before laying him back on my chest.

"Ryu~ You didn't answer me."It was more of a pout than anything. He turned around sitting in between my legs, his back against my chest.

"How do you feel about Asahi?" I said plainly. Putting my head in his shoulder.

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