Claimed Yet (Slight NSFW)

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This is very short sorry.😔 But ill post something longer soon but I didn't want to go too long without posting. Love y'all hope y'all have a good day.

   Noya just hopped out of the shower. Taking his white tee shirt and blues shorts throwing them on quickly. He unlocked the door. As the steam from the shower flowed out he caught a whiff of something. It was musty but sweet. Almost like cinnamon and sugar, he followed his nose and without looking opened the door.

    As he opened the door he was hit with the thick scent. It was overwhelming and intoxicating filling the room. He looked over to see his best friend and current roommate curled into a ball on the bed. He instantly snapped out of his daze. Tanaka curled onto his bed whining clearly in pain.


He quickly ran to his friend's side, gripping his shoulders. He quickly realized what was going on. Tanaka has gone into heat. But why could he smell it shouldn't be this strong isn't he claimed? The last time he checked Noya wasn't his mate. He tried to remember who was?
Then he remembered senior year.

"Bro don't you go into heat soon you should get a mate I don't want you to be in pain." Noya looked at him with concern.

"Bro I'll be fine besides I've already got one."


"Eh don't worry about it." He said moving his hand in a swatting manner.

"Besides aren't you supposed to be getting a mate?" Tanaka said reversing the question on the shorter boy.

"I know, I know I'm just trying to find the right person."

"Well good luck with that."Tanaka chuckled though it seemed a little forced.

So in conclusion Noya had no idea who his mate was.

"Ryu, where's your mate? Should I go get them? You have to tell me who they are?" He was hoping that Ryu's mate lived on campus.

"It's fine- I'm okay." Ryu forced a smile but noya didn't fall for that one bit. He was in heat. How could he be okay?

"Ryu you're in pain just tell me who your mate is." Noya wasn't asking and at this point, he was upset that Tanaka didn't want help.

"I-I don't have one." Nishisnoya looked at him confused. Of course, he had one every time his heat started he would leave. He always told Yuu he went to his mates house and that he was fine. Had he been lying for almost 2 years about this? But why?

"Ryu what the hell you lied to me." Tanaka didn't answer, he just whined curling tighter into a ball. Without paying attention Noya forgot he was in pain.
Tanaka released more of his scent so much so that it was suffocating. But at the same time, it smelled so good.

"Noya...please just." This wasn't Tanaka's regular voice, it was pure desperation. He realized he could help him. I can give him what he needs. Plus he smells so good how could anyone not want him. Tentatively he kissed him, it was a peck but Ryu still whined. Ryu wrapped his arms around Noya's neck lifting from the bed to meet his lips again. They kissed again this time it was sloppy and desperate, their lips clinging to each other.

Noya quickly pulled off Tanaka's shirt, throwing it somewhere across the room. Noya moved down his throat kissing on the sharp jawline down his neck. Tanaka lifted his head giving Noya access to his neck and scent gland. Noya kissed down his neck inhaling his thick scent. Baffled at how he could control himself before.

"Noya... please." The wing spiker's whole body was trembling. He grabbed the libero's head slamming their lips together as if he needed them to breathe. Noya could hear the neediness in his voice.

"I can't believe no one has claimed you yet," Noya said between hot breaths as he palmed Ryu's apparent erection.

"Because I didn't want them... I wanted you." Ryu said huffing, whining, and squirming.

"Ryu..." Noya sat still for a second pausing.

"None of them were as good as you," Tanaka said breathing heavily.

Something inside Noya snapped then.
"I'm going to make you reek of me." It was a low hoarse demanding growl.

All Tanaka could muster was a weak and needy, "please."

I love writing top noya. I'm sorry but like Top noya Supremacy. Though I do love tanaka a top. But noya topping is perfection.🥰✨✨

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