✰ Elevator

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Reader's POV;

Your E/C* eyes widened. "Alaric Kami... But- How..? He- He's the CEO.. Oh, god, help me..."

Despite the fact you thought those things instead of saying it out loud, the tall man in front of you was able to read your mind and tell what you were thinking. "Come along now," he said, just like a teacher talking to their student.

You found yourself following the lean man, walking right behind him. You said nothing, but you were definitely extremely nervous and intimidated.

Dozens of sets of eyes were staring at you and your possible-boss, but the CEO seemed to ignore them all.

After about 65 seconds of just walking forward, the man stopped abruptly, in front of an elevator that was obviously not meant for normal employees.

Oh, damn. It was the VIP elevator, a ride that only the high-ranking workers could use.

There were two buff men on either side of the elevator, probably guards. They had sunglasses only, hands in front of their muscular bodies, wearing black suits.

Alaric glanced at a gray/normal-looking elevator, a lift that was 2 meters to the right of the VIP one, presumably an elevator for typical employees.

The black-haired man sighed lightly and walked towards the standard elevator.

The guards did not stop this action, however, probably because it was their boss' choice to.

You followed reluctantly, not being sure whether or not this was the correct deed you were supposed to do.

Right after Alaric pressed a button on the elevator front, he entered, and so did you.


Alaric's POV;

The inside of the elevator was much smaller than an elevator you might've seen at a standard hospital, causing the woman and I to stand side-by-side.

I will be frank here, feel free to call me a spoiled imbecile, but this elevator was extremely small and I disliked it greatly. Because I always had access to honcho elevators, which were about 2-5 times larger than an average elevator, this elevator was exceptionally humid and tight.

I wished so badly to untie my tie and take off my gray jacket(which resided over my suit), but that would be bad manners. My father and my etiquette educators taught me to always watch my manners in front of people, especially females. CEO or janitor, it was rude to remove a part of my upper-body clothing in front of another person.

That was what my father had inserted into my mind when I was 4 years old, I've never forgotten that lesson; I still remember it clearly even after 23 years, as I am 27 years of age.

My office was at the very top of the building, which would mean that it'd take about 65 seconds to arrive at my office.

I gazed down at the much shorter woman standing at the left of myself, "That was quite the entrance."

"Y-Yeah.. I, uhm... I- I was in a hurry..." Y/N spoke in a quiet and shy tone of voice.

The female glanced at me, her E/C eyes shining in the light of the wall light.

I didn't respond to the meek comment and action. Then the elevator came to a sudden stop.

The doors parted and revealed my office.

"I am not sure how the standard interview proceeds, however, I will try to be as normal as can be," I said.


*E/C: Eye Color

H/C: Hair Color

H/L: Hair Length

P/N: Parent Name

M/N: Mother Name

F/N: Father Name

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